8. Horrible Boss

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Anu's P. O. V. -
Finally, I am done with my thesis. Once again I cross checked everything, went towards Mr. Horrible's room. Yep! It's his new name given by me.  I knocked on the door. "Come in"  he replied. I went inside and stood silent in front of him. 

He is so busy that he didn't even revert his gaze from the laptop screen. May be he forgot that I am in his room standing in front of him. So, I cleared my throat.

"Yes! Tell me" he said. Without taking any time, I placed all the thesis files infront of him and told him "Sir, here are thesis files. Please have a look and let me know if there are any corrections". "It's Advay. You can leave" he said.

I just bowed my head and came out of the room. Right now, I have no work. If it is my college, I would have gone to the library. I don't know what to do? So I called Tri.

Within first ring she attended and said " hey baby, whats up?". "I am done with my work. Feeling bored" I said. "Even I am done with my work. Why dont you ask your boss, so we can leave" she said."yep! I will call you after asking" I said and cut the call.

I slowly went towards his cabin and asked for permission, entered the room and cleared my throat. "What?" He asked with out looking at me. "Sir! Actually, I dont have any work. So... Can... I ... Leave... For... The... Day...?" I asked.

He gave me 2 more files and told "Its Advay. get me the thesis now". What? is he serious? Its already 5:30. My office hours are almost done. "Sir! Actually my friend and I came together. She is waiting for me. So can I work on them tomorrow please" I said.

"I need them right now. Go get them done and ask your friend to leave" he said with a very serious tone that I flinched. I immediately took those files and said "okay sir" and turned to leave but he called me. "Anuhya". I turned around telling "yes sir". "How many times I told you not to call me sir. Its Advay." He shouted banging both of his hands on the table looking straight into my eyes seriously.

Tears started dwelling up in my eyes. I looked down holding them, nodded my head and left the room. I came to my cabin and tears started flowing down my eyes. No one shouted at me till date and that too this serious.

After like half an hour of crying, I called Tri and told her to leave. Then I started working on those files. I got a call from Mr. Horrible asking me to come to his cabin along with my laptop and files.

On the first day itself, he shouted at me. I dont know what he is upto now. I took my laptop, 2 files and required things (pencil, pens, eraser etc..,), went to his room. The doors got opened immediately. May be he got to know from CC cameras out of his room. I entered the room and said "thank you".

"You can sit there on the couch and work. I am going through your thesis. So it would be easier for us to coordinate" he said in a calm tone. I nodded my head, sat on the couch and started working.

While working, I felt him gazing at me. I felt uncomfortable and couldnt concentrate on my work. But somehow, I managed to finish it and went to him. I placed the thesis files infront him and stood there silent.

"Okay. You can leave now" he said in a stern voice. I said "Thank you si... Advay" without looking at him. Collected my things, came out of his room and looked at my watch.

What? Like seriously, its 9. Its so late. I need to inform my parents or atleast to Dhruv. I checked for my phone. Its not with me. It might be in my cabin. I rushed to my cabin, took my mobile and unlocked it. Oh my god! I have 33 missed calls from mom,dad and Dhruv altogether. I called them and informed them that I am going to start. Dhruv was continuosly insisting me that he will come and pick up. But I said no. I dont want to trouble him because the distance between my office and home is not so small and I also have my own vehicle.

I placed all my things in their places, took my sling bag, mobile and scooty keys and came out of my cabin.

While passing through his cabin, suddenly the doors got opened, he came out looking at his watch and raised his head.

"I will drop you" he said.

What do you guys think will Anuhya go with him? What is Advay upto? Any guesses? Do let me know in the comments below.

Hi guys! How are you alll? Hope you liked the update.
With smile,
Radha :)

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