Chapter 6

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            That day passed slowly and dull. My mother and I didn't have much energy to do anything. Gale stopped by in the afternoon to check on us. He brought us some rabbits and strawberries for dinner. We also had some extra food from when Katniss brought us some as well. I milked Lady again in the evening. My mom and I prepared dinner silently. There wasn't much to talk about, anyway. 

            That evening, we ate our supper and then went to bed. Even though we had done close to nothing that day, we were exhausted. Maybe that's what sadness does to you. I slept pretty well that night, aside from the occasional nightmare. 

            The next day, I wake up and get dressed. The bed next to me is empty. My mom had gotten up before me. I go to the kitchen and grab a clean bucket and head outside to milk Lady. The day was cloudy and damp. I could smell rain. The day seemed to match my mood. I quickly milk Lady before the rain started. I go inside and close the door. I find my mom in the kitchen making breakfast. 

             "Good morning, Prim," she says to me, in a seemingly good mood. 

             "Good morning," I say slowly. I set the bucket of milk on the counter and I start to help my mom make breakfast, but she stops me. 

             "Oh, no, I can get it," she says. 

             "Are you sure?" 

              "Of course! Go sit and relax on the couch." I do as she says and sit in the living room. Buttercup is curled up on the seat beside me. I lightly stroke him as he sleeps. My mom is acting really weird. She usually wants me to help her whenever we cook. And she's in a strangely good mood, too. I don't do anything but pet my cat and ponder my mom's strange behavior. 

                Soon enough, my mom brings a plate of food to me. On it, there are strawberries, a slice of bread, and some rabbit meat. 

             "Thank you," I say to her with a smile. 

             "Of course." She walks over to the old TV and turns it on. "The tributes had their interviews last night. They're showing the replays right now." I almost forgot! I get to see Katniss on TV in a pretty dress! My mom turns on the right channel and there is Caesar Flickerman. My mom sits next to me on the beat up couch and we watch all the interviews. Katniss will be one of the last ones because District 12 is always last. We watch all of the other tributes talk about their families, friends, and about how they're going to win the Hunger Games. 

                 Finally, they call Katniss Everdeen onto the stage. She looks beautiful! Her dress is a fiery orange color and it sparkles with the light of a thousand stars. Katniss talks about how good the food in the Capitol is and about the tribute parade. She talks about her costume that she wore and about the dress that she's wearing now. Caesar asks her to twirl. She stands up and she does as he asks. The dress spins out and sparkles and shines as she does so. The lights of the stage reflect off of it. 

                 "Wow," I gasp.

                                                                    That's my sister. 

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