Chapter Four: Locked out of Heaven

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A few days later...

I had already warmed up to the boys, not that I had a choice, because they were always around. I even met Luke's girlfriend, Hanna, and she was actually quite nice, and pretty. I had only known the boys a couple of days, but they made me feel comfortable. It was like I had known them for a long time, and seeing as to how they were my only friends in Melbourne, I was with them most of the time.

"King me!" James declared, moving a piece on the game board.

"Aaaa-Aaachoo!" I let out a fake sneeze, and knocked all of the pieces off.

Erhm, okay, so I admit, I'm a bit of a sore loser, but, that's okay, because James understood.

He laughed, "Cheater."

I winked at him, and heard my phone vibrate against the table. I quickly picked it up.

"Jesus, Tiff, who's texting you? Your phone keeps going off like every three minutes."

"Oh, it's just Daniel," I say as I reply to the text, and stuff my phone in my pocket.

James raises an eyebrow and grins at me.

"What?" I asked.

"You really can't tell?" he asked me back.

"No?" I glared at him.

"Skip has a crush on you," he said, letting a light amount of laughter slip out of his mouth.

"Oh," I said.

I'm not sure what I was feeling at this point. I mean, Skip was my friend, my best friend here at least. I hung out with him the most out of all of the boys this week. I just thought he was wicked cool, and nice, but as it turns out, he likes me. I don't see anything wrong with him, he's cute, funny, athletic, sweet, and fun to be around. I just didn't know if I felt the same way about him.

"Tiff?" James glared at me.

"Yeah?" I answered.

"Do you like him?"

I didn't answer, I didn't even know how to. I was unsure of my feelings, but I didn't want to get caught up in a romance anyways.

"I'm sorry, I shouldn't have told you..." James mumbled, now looking at his lap.

"No, it's fine, I'm glad you told me."

James smiled at me, breaking the tension between us. I smiled back, and slumped into my chair.

I heard the front door slam shut downstairs. Me and James looked at eachother in confusion. We got up from out once cozy spot in my bedroom, and looked out into the hall. We saw Ali run into the bathroom. I figured she was in a bad mood, because whenever she would have a bad day at work, she'd lock herself in the bathroom, and take long showers. However, I didn't know why she'd be in a bad mood, she had been hanging out with Luke all day.

"Maybe it's best if we let her be," James suggested.

I took a deep breath, and nodded at him in agreement.

A few hours later...

Me and Ali were dressed up almost ready to meet the boys. Ali was wearing a light purple party dress that flowed over her nicely, exposing her long, tan legs. Her dark brown hair fell into perfect curls. She looked beautiful, but still unhappy. I could see right through her, like she was made of glass. She was unable to keep anything from me.

"What happened today with Luke?" I ask.

"Nothing," Ali smiled.

It was obvious to me that it was fake, but, I could tell she didn't feel comfortable talking about it, so I let it go.

"Ready?" she asked me.

"Yeah buddy!" I reply, giving her a thumbs up.

We walk over to the Brooks brothers' house.

I was met by Daniel opening the door.

"Hello, Tiffani," he said, his eyes widening as he scans me up and down.

"Hi, Skip," I giggled.

"You look stunning!"

I looked down at my dark blue floral print dress.

"Thanks," I winked.

Ali quickly stepped around us, and walked over to Beau.

"What's wrong with her?" Daniel asked, a frown now appearing across his face.

I shook my head, "I don't know."

During dinner, Ali and Luke avoided eye contact, and speaking to one another. I could tell something was up, but I didn't know what, until Hanna walked in.

"I'm here!" she said smiling.

Luke got up and wrapped his arms around her waist. "Hey, baby," he said.

Dinner went on with little small talk, but much tension in the air.

Hanna invited me to go to the mall with her tomorrow, and I gladly took her up on the offer. Ali planned to go with us, but something tells me she's not going to be able to make it.

Ali stood up and walked over to the counter. She poured wine into a slender, delicate glass. She would speak only to Beau, and Jai, mostly Jai, as she continuously sipped on her glass. Jai made her smile, and to be honest, it looked like they were flirting, but, that's just the kind of friendship they had.

I felt my phone vibrate. I picked it up, swiped the screen, and it revealed a message from Daniel.

Skip: want 2 come 2 my place after dinner? x

I looked up at his eager face, and nodded.

About an hour later...

Ali was drunk, and I didn't want to leave her alone. However, the boys assured me that she'd be fine, and that she could stay with them tonight.

I walked out the door with Daniel, and we got in his car. He just lived up the street, so the drive was only a few minutes.

When we arrived, Daniel led me inside and ran up the stairs.

"Where are you going?" I yell after him.

He gave me no response so I just plopped down on his couch, and rested my eyes, patiently awaiting his return.

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