38.Hellishly Implying

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Tying the ties of her robe in a double knot, Rene tucks her wet hair behind her ears. So, they were going to do this.


Rene was never the person who talks, especially about the intimate stuff. Not that she didn't like it but she found it to be uneasy for her.

When she shuffled behind him into her bedroom, she thanked him mentally when he went over to lock her bedroom door. So, he was aware that her dad was here. Such a audacious naughty man.

Sebastian ran a hand over his rinsed hair. He faced his back to Rene, while contemplating what they should talk about. Like an asshole, he wanted to talk. Now he can't figure out the reason what and why he wanted to do that.

Feeling slightly awkward, he turned to face her. She stood there with her ting robe and dampen hair clinging down her face. She looked free without the wall she usually puts up.

Maybe they should have shower sex all the time. His cock jerked at that. Patience, man. Patience.

"So.." She uttered the stereotyped syllable of many startings of an awkward situations.

"Look, I want you." His brain clogged. What the fuck is he saying? I want you?

Didn't he just admit to her that he loved her a few hours back? In his defense, It was just so.. weird to start with 'look I love you'.

To his relief, Rene didn't scowl.

Unlike most girls who would throw a fit, she didn't. Which made him frown. Either Rene wasn't used to men loving her like she deserved to or she didn't love him back and was glad he felt the same.

Two ways it's sad and also itchy which made him uncomfortable.

"I mean-" he huffed a breath and ran his palms over his face, scrubbing the day old beard.

His eyes closed, he hears her move. When he peeks back at her, she was standing on the opposite side of her bed. "Sounds like I'm not the only who is uncomfortable with talks."

He let out a chuckle. "Yeah. I don't know why I suggested that. It's just that I have read and heard people say communication is good."

She nodded. "So have I but sometimes silence is cool too, right?"

He blinked in surprise. She took his stunned expression to continue. "It's not necessary to always talk. We can just lie down and simply not say a word."

Rene wanted to laugh at his expression. He looked like he was in the middle of pain and mixed relief. Maybe all his girls wanted to keep yapping his ears off. She felt a sense of pride fill in.

Not waiting for him, she slipped into the covers. Noticing his lack of movement, she twisted to see what he was doing.

He was bloody staring at her. She felt a bloom of red blotch her cheeks. No one has stared at her so much.

When he got in, he let out a breath. "Rene about what I said earlier, I do lo-"


"Did you just shush me?" His head spun to see her face and his lips tilting in an amused grin.

Not saying anything, she just closed her eyes and breathed a sigh of relief. Sebastian knew she wasn't sleeping. Her body was too awake, so he spun back to face the ceiling.

In a serene silence, he laid his hands behind his head. From the corner of his eye, he noticed Rene blink hers open. "After losing mum, I hadn't really thought of being with someone in a long time."

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