in which an accident caused by one of david's skits causes the unlikely meeting between alyssa thomas and jeff wittek.
jeff wittek x female oc
social media x real life
started: 24/04/2020
completed: DISCONTINUED 25/05/2020
~daviddobrik started following you~ ~jasonnash started following you~ -unblock jeff? yes | no - -jeff unblocked- ~jeff started following you~
|alythomas just posted a photo|
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alythomas taken just before daviddobrik hit me with a paintball gun 😛 i hope your back is okay tho jasonnash :( 📸: daisyp tagged: daviddobrik jasonnash jeff daisyp likes: 200k comments: user1 i thought you're supposed to drink the coffee not the cup? 😂 >alythomas hehehe shhhh daisyp i'm still shook tho >alythomas highkey same jryan i miss you! sounds like you had fun >alythomas we miss you too bby! daviddobrik I TOLD YOU WE WERE SORRY 😭 i'll give you some merch to make up for it? >alythomas hehe i kinda already own most of you merch user2 OMG DAVID COMMENTED HOW ARE YOU NOT FREAKING OUT >alythomas oh trust me i'm freaking out >daisyp she's literally jumping on the bed jasonnash hi alyssa! my back is okay now thanks for asking i hope your outfit isn't ruined. >alythomas awh that's good, the paint cane of luckily so my outfit got saved 😌 toddericdaviddobrik who is this dude >alythomas a random girl that got shot in his skit for the vlog #clickbait >daviddobrik technically jeff shot her jeff can i buy you another coffee some time? >alythomas dm me >user3 DO THEY KNOW EACH OTHER?! ^ -load more comments-
*** jeff | alyssa
hey aly
hey long time no talk huh
aly i'm sorry about everything that happened over the last 5 years. really.
jeff i forgave you 3 years ago. about 6 months after you living in miami.
you did? why? after all the shit i put you through?
it was more for my own peace of mind. i was think i had driven you away because i wasn't mature enough for you or whatever and i kept blaming myself but in the end i realised that i needed to stop blaming myself for everything i'm not saying it's entirely your fault, even though part of it definitely is, but more of the fact i had to forgive you so i could move on with my life.
look i am so sorry. about everything. ruining our friendship. your first relationship. everything. i want to make things right. i want my best friend back can i take you out for a coffee? i understand if you don't want to but i would like to make it up to my old best friend. i've been trying to turn my life around in la and after seeing you i realised there was something i still needed to fix. so yes or no?
aly? i'm sorry. i'll leave you alone.
i would love to go grab a coffee with you. meet me at philz near where you shot me at 11am tomorrow x
///// a/n i'm trying to decide if this is a slow burn or not but maybe because of how ive made the story line. vote and comment 😄