in which an accident caused by one of david's skits causes the unlikely meeting between alyssa thomas and jeff wittek.
jeff wittek x female oc
social media x real life
started: 24/04/2020
completed: DISCONTINUED 25/05/2020
|alythomas tweeted| @alythomas cody and i were talking about our younger selves and i found some old photos of us in staten island ! should i embarrass jeff and share them 🤪😉 ~3:15pm >user1 PLEASE FUEL MY YOUNG JEFF ADDICTION >user2 omg omg that would be amazing >user3 nooo poor jeff... but do it >user4 HAHAH OH DEAR >jeff dont you fucking dare, if you do it i'll be posting yours >user5 I SMELL A WAR ~daviddobrik do it ~carlyincontro do it ~jasonnash do it ~ughitsjoe do it -view more replies-
@alythomas I POSTED IT IF YOU DONT HEAR FROM ME, JEFF HAS BURIED ME SOMEWHERE ~7:20pm -view all replies-
|alythomas posted photos|
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