Chapter 9

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Blake's POV:

My feet are clumsy, haha my feet are clumsy.

The walls are spinning and I'm dizzy.

I laugh for no apparent reason, we had finished the bottle of Vodka and somehow we had found bottles upon bottles of various types of alcohol.

Acohol is a funny word.

I stumble out of the cafeteria, my knees threatening to buckle from under me.

My vision is blurry, I blink.

I look down at my hands, when did I grow two more hands?

I walk along a hall, my footsteps resonating through the walls.

I open a door and walk into the room, not caring if it's mine.

I turn on the lights and to my amazement it's not my room.

"Huh." I say to myself.

"Blake?" A small voice says, I look that way. Mercy is lying on her bed, her hair a bit tousled.

"Mercy!" I say, overly happy, she's so pretty, did I say that out loud? I don't care.

She blinks, her eyes squinting at the sudden light.

"Are you okay?" She asks.

"Yup, right as rain." I say

"Okay, you're drunk. Let's get you to bed." She says while swinging her legs off the bed, she walks over to me and nudges my abdomen.

I start stumbling out of her room.

"Mercy, I'm Bambi." I laugh.

Mercy scrunches her nose, a smile creeping onto her features.

"Come on, Bambi." She says, tugging on my arm.

I trip down the hall and into my room, as soon as Mercy opens my door I jump and land on my bed, I land face first.

My ass is sticking up in the air and my face is snuggled into my pillows.

"Come on, change into your pajamas, I'll be right back." Says Mercy, she leaves my room, closing the door behind her.

I struggle but still take my shirt off, keeping my sweatpants on.

"Done!" I yell, my door opens and in walks Mercy, I watch her.

Her eyes linger on my abdomen and torso.

"Take a picture, It'll last longer." I snort, her eyes peel away from my body and to my face.

"Sleep." She says, while turning off my light.

"You're pretty." I mumble, she froze.


"I think you're pretty." I say, pouting my lips in a childish way.

"You're so drunk." Laughs Mercy.

"Mercyyyyyy" I say, into my pillow "I can't sleeeeep."

"You haven't even tried." Says Mercy.

I sit up and fold my legs under me, I pout again.

"Stay with me, let's play something." Mercy sighs and I hear her mutter something along the lines of 'Jesus when he's drunk he's like a little kid'

Mercy closes the door and turns on the lights.

"Fine, just a little game, then you go to sleep." Says Mercy, I smile and clap my hands.

"Let's play charades." I slur.

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