Chapter 1

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Mercy's POV:

I run.

The bloodthirsty monsters are behind me. The awful smell hit my nostrils. I look back, there they are. They aren't slow, not by far. The night sky makes their pale skin look ghostly white, their dark, dead eyes followed my every move.

Parts of their bodies are missing but the creatures didn't seem to care, in fact they didn't looked bothered at all.

They are hungry, ravenous, starved.

And I seem to be their next meal. But I am not going down without a fight, just like my parents.

I have a pistol, a single one. I don't want to waste precious bullets so I push myself to run faster.

The zombies aren't slowing down, not with the high chance they might get a meal.

Their cries, growls and snaps make the adrenaline in my veins pump faster. I can hear the roaring blood in my ears and my heart is practically coming out of my chest.

Some rebel tears slip out of my eyes.

In the distance I see a little house, it looks deserted so I run.

Never in my life had I run so fast.

I practically crash into the door and my hands immediately shoot for the handle.

I tug and the door flies open.

I scurry inside and don't hesitate to close the door.

I look around the small house, it only has a single room.

I look at the corner and a scream tries to pass through my lips but I allow it.

A man is curled into the corner, part of his head is missing, blood is splattered across the wall, a single gun is shoved into his hand, which is hanging limp on his leg.

My first thought is that the man shot himself because he got infected, but upon further inspection I come to the conclusion that he indeed wasn't. His skin isn't a pale green, nor are his eyes black and dead, well, they are dead but not the same way as the zombies.

I let out a shaky breath, I might need that gun.

No, I need that gun.

I shuffle over and kneel in front of the rotting corpse that was once a man.

I reach for his hand and snatch the gun in a swift movement, my fingers accidentally brush against his and a shiver goes through my spine, his fingers were cold, too cold.

I walk away from the man and curl into the corner opposite to his.

My mind wanders to how this started, how I had to escape.

"Girls! Time for dinner" Yelled my mom, I put my book down and climbed off my bed. My bare feet hit the wooden floor making a soft thud.

I walked out of my room and into the hallway, two other doors opened and out came my sisters.

We were triplets.

I was the youngest one by ten and six minutes, meaning that my older sister, Faith was born, then the middle one, Hope was born four minutes after and six minutes passed and I, Mercy, was born.

Faith, Hope and Mercy Dawson.

The Dawson triplets.

I was kind of the weird one, always quite and when I actually talked it was to make a sassy remark or a snappy comment.

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