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Mercy's POV:

I wake up suddenly, my chest heaving up and down yet the dream wasn't all scary.

There were monsters, drugs, friends.

It all felt so real.

I rub my forehead and smooth my wild hair, smacking my lips trying to wake myself up.

Outside my room is a perfect sunny day, Hope can be heard in the living room blasting her loud music, screaming the lyrics.

I roll my eyes and jump off the bed, hitting the wooden floor.

My bed's cold, probably because I dropped the blanket at some point of the night, but right now I don't care.

I open my door, walking down the hallway in my bare feet, allowing the rough wood to caress them, telling me that the dream I dreamt, one of the most vivid dreams I've ever had, was just that, a dream.

I walk past my crazy sister and exit the house, the warm summer air hits me straight in the face, I take a deep breath, filling my lungs with much needed fresh air.

I hear footsteps beside me, but I don't bother moving my head.

A pair of arms wrap around my waist, a sharp chin placing itself on top of my head.

"Morning." He says with his fine spanish accent.

"Hi." I reply.

"How'd you sleep? I couldn't make it last night, Leeroy got me shitfaced and I know I get annoying when I'm drunk."

"I wouldn't describe it as annoying, it's actually kind of adorable." I reply.

Blake responds with a 'Mhm.'.

I look around, the camp feels like home now, the past six months have been hard, trying to mold this place into a home, but we managed.

In the distance I can see Tom and Cyrus playing with Willow, whose black curls bounce as Cyrus throws her up in the air, Thomas yelling at him to not throw her so high.

Quinn and Oliver are sitting with 'Aunt Raini' on the grass, Raini showing them all types of bugs, which the two toddlers admire.

Jackson, Reese and Johnny run around the whole camp, Bailey trying to catch up but being too slow, Johnny stops for her and waits.

From the corner of my eye I see Scott trying to flirt with Sandra, who has been playing hard to get for the past two months, but I can see her façade slowly diminishing as she starts to fall for the smart man.

A door opens and I see Lindsay walk out, her four month pregnancy belly starting to show, it was a surprise for all of us when she announced that her period was two months late, Leeroy almost passed out. But right now Leeroy is treating her like a queen, and I know Lin couldn't be happier.

I hear a happines filled scream as Nathan tackles Amira with a hug, peppering her face with kisses as the dog they found in the woods happily trails after them, Cyrus avoiding all contact with it for he was the only one who didn't want him, he's actually scared of all animals we have realised.

Braeden now confidently walks before us, her memory guiding her along the camp she and Hope have walked through multiple times, Reese stoping to say hello to her, Hope and Braeden have practically adopted the little girl.

Colton appears in the distance, his eyes immediately going to Raini. It's obvious he has a crush on her, but she seems to be more interested in admiring her free life at the moment.

Blake reaches for my hand, giving it a firm squeeze.

"How are you feeling?" He asks, those beautiful grey eyes peircing into mine as he asks for the truth and the truth only. I exhale happily.

"I'm excelent, the cravings have stopped, thanks to those stupid nicotine patches-"

"Hey, if they work on Leeroy they work on anyone, the guy hasn't touched a single cigarette since he found out Lindsay's pregnant."

"I don't think that has go to do much about the patches." I chuckle.

We both smile and stay silent for a few seconds.

"But you're okay?" He asks.

"Yes." I don't even hesitate to say it, these have been the best months I've had in a long, long time.

Bruno, Nathan and Amira's dog, walks over to me, wagging his tail and panting, asking for affection.

I reach over and scratch him behind the ears. His soft fur tickling the tips of my fingers.

"Hey bitch." Says Lindsay as she walks over.

"Hey, how are you?" I ask the girl.

"I'm fine." She replies, rubbing her belly affectionately.

"Blake! Come help me here." I hear Colton yell, asking for assitance as he tries to build a treehouse for the kids, he's been working on that for a while.

As soon as Blake leaves Lindsay turns to me.

"I lied, I'm fucking terrified." She whispers.

I blink.

"Why?" I grab her hands.

"Well, I'm scared that it will happen again, you know loosing it. A-And I know it's stupid-"

"It's not stupid, Lin. But it won't happen again, you just have to take it slow, one day at a time. Before you know it, you will have a beautiful baby in your arms." I say while smiling, Lindsay nods and pulls me into a hug.

I feel the baby kicking Lindsay, making the girl giggle.

"You felt that?" She asks. I nod and press my hands against her belly feeling another series of kicks.

I see Johnny walk by us, dark bags hanging under his green eyes, those that seem to be clouded over.

"How is Johnny doing?" I ask, separating myself from her, Lindsay shakes her head.

"Not good, the nightmares have turned into night terrors, he'll start screaming his lungs out, jumping out of the bed, start doing some really crazy shit. Lee has had to pin him down several times." Lindsay says.

"Isn't there something we can do? Like I don't know, giving him something?" I ask as we start to walk.

"I heard weed helps, but I don't think giving a nine-year-old weed is a good idea."

I shake my head, chuckling under my breath.

"We've considered strapping him down, he has even agreed to it. But I'm scared that if we strap him to his bed he'll end up hurting himself more." She sighs.

I turn to look at the sleep deprived little boy.

"I'm sure we'll figure something out."

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