Chapter 2

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"" she grumbled letting out a pant. " We've only recently learned how to do that. H-How are you so good at it?" Ami asked. You smirked. "I've been practicing. You should be too. You'll be graduating in a few weeks." When you remembered you looked down. You still had a ways to go. But Ami wouldn't be with you. The thought made you a bit sad. Yeah, you would see her. You had no doubt she'd make it her mission to come every chance to lecture you about eating properly. Or to stop overworking yourself. Now it felt like you took her for granted. "Hey. don't look so down. I'm gonna nag you into eternity. So don't worry. " you laughed. "That's what I'm worried about." you joked. She smiled brightly as you both walked through the doors. You watched all the students lined up, surrounding the small area.

"Is that Ukitake Jushiro! He's even more handsome in person!!" one of the girls screamed. You heard similar girls swooning. You rolled your eyes and Ami released a chuckle. The Head Captain was at the center. Everyone took their seats as he started to speak. Now that no one was blocking your view you could see the other two men standing at either side of him.

"I'm quite impressed with the number of dedicated individuals I see here. Two of my best students came from this very academy. They are here with me today as Captains." your eyes widened when the two men stepped forward. One with long white hair, and the other with darker hair and a flashy pink floral coat.

"It's a pleasure to meet you all. I'm Ukitake Jushiro, Captain of the 13 Squad Barracks." The other guy moved forward placing a hand on Jushiro's shoulder. "And I'm Shunsui Kyoraku, Captain of the 8th Squad Barracks. I'm looking forward to having new faces in my squad." He sent a wink in a few of the women's directions and a few of them sighed out happily. Ami scoffed.

"Hmph, he's just a player. I hope I don't end up in his squad. " she whispered. Apparently he heard her, because he moved closer with a smirk. "Is that so?" he said with a raised brow. She flushed and the entire room started laughing. "Would you care to spare, since you're so bold with your words. " She stood with determination in her eyes. You smiled proudly. Many people looked at her and misjudged her. She was beautiful. A lot of people thought she spent more time on her looks than actually being a reaper. But they were wrong. Ami was fierce. She was a talented fighter too. She just needs to work on her endurance. But her style, her movements, they were deadly. Sadly he was about to find out the hard way.

Everyone shifted back and Shunsui placed his zampaktou at the side, grabbing two wooden swords. "Afraid of getting hurt Captain?" she challenged. He just smiled at her. "You seem to be a very confident one. I guess we'll see. " He tossed her the wooden stick and she caught it. "How do you want to start?" she asked.

Shunsui grinned. "Whenever you are rea-" he didn't have a chance to finish. Shunsui flinched when she reappeared right in front of him, striking. He raised his sword at the last second barely holding her off. His eyes were wide. As well as Jushiro's. "Incredible."

A few awes echoed in the room. You weren't phased. You expected nothing less.

She pushed against him, matching his strength with fire in her eyes. She jumped back when he didn't seem to be back down. The space gave her a chance to assess the situation.

"You're very quick on your feet. I'm impressed. " Shunsui complimented. "I'm not. I expected more from a Captain." A few chuckles were heard. Shunsui pulled off his hat now. Ami smiled.

"Finally going to take me seriously. Good." Her hands tightened on her sword. She closed her eyes for a second and when they reopened Shunsui was shocked to see her body was now glowing, emitting a small bit of her spiritual pressure. Their action made even Yamamoto open his eyes. "S-She harnessed her spiritual pressure. Not even using all of it either. It's almost like she's controlling how much she's releasing. " Shunsui was stunned. Not many reapers in the Gotei could even do this. Yet this girl who was still in the academy was displaying the ability like it was something as casual as breathing. She was gone again right before his eyes. Like magic Ami was behind his back, he turned blocking and she smirked. Ami swiped at him, aggressively, relentlessly, efficiently. The both of you were moving so quickly.Your eyes could barely keep track of them. It was actually taking him some effort to keep off with your frantic blows. He was moving backwards everytime Ami striked. When his back hit the wall he tensed. She saw her opening pushing forward. With a yell she drove the wooden sword forward. It went right through the wall, right next to his head. He stared in awe as Ami stared him down. She let go of the wood, eyes returning to normal. "Never underestimate your opponent." she spoke calmly. The entire room had gone silent. She dusted off her clothing casually, bowing to Shunsui. "Thank you for the opportunity Kyoraku-taicho." with that she turned back to you. Her face brightened as she struck a pose

"Did I look really cool (Y/N)!!!" you grinned giving her a thumbs up. "VERY COOL!!" you emphasized. "YOSH!!" she cheered. Both Jushiro and Shunsui couldn't believe it. In the span of those few seconds it's like you were a different person. Shunsui stepped forward, holding out a hand for Ami to take. "That was impressive. " She raised her head with a snobby look and you laughed. "Don't look so shocked, I'm more than just a pretty face." she spoke. He smiled at her as she took his hand to shake. "I see that now, you're an amazing young woman." Those words seem to have gotten to her because her face turned red. She pulled back her hand pointing at him. "D-Don't think you can trick me with a few nice words! I've heard it all before!" she claimed pointing a finger at him. He raised his hand in fake defense laughing cooly. "I was merely stating facts. You're as beautiful as you are strong. " that got to her because she became a stuttering mess after that. She staggered back covering her cheeks in annoyance.

Jushiro stepped forward this time. "What remarkable control you have. Quite talented. " he commented. You weren't sure she even heard the white haired male cause her eyes were still fixed in Shunsui and you smiled as they seem to hold eye contact for a while.

"Seems he got to her after all."


"T-That stupid Taicho. I'm not an idiot, he's just a charmer. " After the brawl, she got praised by almost everyone, even the Head Captain. Yet all she was thinking about was the darked haired man. "Seems you're interested in him." you said. She sputtered. "W-What!! That's ridiculous!! I'd rather a dog than him!!"

"Your words hurt Ami-san." you turned at the voice and her cheeks flushed again. The both of you were walking out of the academy and so were the captains. Jushiro gave a small wave and you smiled at him with a bow. "It was very nice meeting you both." you said respectfully. Ami stood glaring at Shunsui and you nudged her in the side. 

"Y-Yeah." she mumbled looking to the side. Shunsui grinned. "I would love to spar against you Ami-san. I love being challenged. " the way he said it almost felt like there was another meaning behind his words. You could see her basically boiling. She wanted to tell him off. You opened your mouth to reply for her but you froze. An unpleasant chill ran up your spine and you turned. "What is this...again. Just like last night.." you zoned out and Ami looked at you seriously. Both Captains felt the shift in the air. They looked at each other, then at you. "(Y/N)-san?" Ami called. You blinked, turning back to her. "A-Ah, sorry. I just zoned out. Remembering all that happened today I guess." you said lamely. Both men could tell that was not the case. You felt it too, yet Ami was oblivious to it.

"Well you both be careful getting back, let's walk you home just to be safe." Ami fumed.

"You're just trying to figure where I live!!" she accused. He laughed. "You got me." You smiled.

"We would appreciate that actually. Ami gave you a look of disbelief. "Traitor!" you patted her shoulder. "Stop overreacting." Jushiro and Shunsui followed behind as Ami stormed off in a huff. "She's very high spirited. " Jushiro noted. You nodded. "You have no idea. " You ran up a little to walk next to her and Jushiro looked over at his friend. "Did you feel that?" Shunsui nodded. Eyes scanning the area. "We should keep an eye on this area. It was so faint. This one must be good at hiding. I only sensed it for a split second before it was gone. " Jushiro's eyes moved to you.

"She sensed it too. She could be a target." Jushiro didn't like the feeling he had gotten from the energy. "Let's report to the Head Captain. Then we'll figure out the rest."

"Agreed." Shunsui said as they watched both you and Ami conversing at the front. 

Bleach Fanfiction-Ikkaku Madarame🔥Where stories live. Discover now