Chapter 10 Final

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"And what did I say?" you sighed. "Not to engage in any fights if I could avoid it." you answered. Your captain was giving you the lecture you were very well expecting. Days passed and Hanataro was healing quickly. He moved over to you. "T-Thank you for standing up for me (Y/N)-chan. I-I'm sorry that I always cause you trouble. " you gave him a smile as you pulled him into a hug. Hanataro tensed. "You would never be a burden. Hanataro, to me you're like family. I care about you so please don't ever think you're a bother. "

"(Y/N)-chan.." he mumbled. He hugged you back. "A-Arigatou!" he thanked. You just grinned pulling away to pat him on the head. "No problem. "

The fight between you and those four members travelled like wildfire throughout the squads. You knew it was only a matter of time before your captain found out. And she lectured you about it the moment she heard. Unohana sighed. "You have to be careful, that could have easily turned bad (Y/N)." you nodded. "I-I'll try to avoid any more fights, I promise." She knew it was only a matter of time before you lost your temper again. "I worry for you, please, be careful." you nodded. "I will."


You were making your way back from a full day of practicing. Today you were appointed Byakuya Kuchiki and you had to say. The guy was really good. It's like he strategized every single attack. Everything you shot at him he seemed to anticipate. After a while it was mostly you on the offensive. His bankai did a number on you. Your body felt like jelly. It was a miracle you were still walking. You had a feeling Unohana told him not to hold back. You chuckled. This was a justified punishment you guessed. You winced as you walked to your barracks.

"He could have taken it a little easier though. " You were practically limping. Your head raised when you notice someone walking in your direction. "Ikkaku." you whispered. His eyes shifted when he caught sight of you. "Hey." he waved. He gave you a once over. "You look like crap." you giggled. "Thank you for stating the obvious." you joked. He grinned. "So who's crazy enough to attack you. " he asked. You leaned against a nearby tree. "I had training with Kuchiki-taicho today." He nodded. "Hah, figures.I can't think of anyone taking you on than a captain." you smiled, "So you wouldn't take me on?" His grin widened. "Course I would!! I could take you anyday. You wouldn't stand a chance against me!" he boasted with a laugh. You leaned forward, stroking a hand down his arm. "I bet I wouldn't.." you purred. He shuffled back with a heavy blush.

"W-Why are you always flirting with me!!" he sputtered. You smirked. "I thought it was obvious."

He was grumbling, unable to properly reply. You loved it. The big fierce Ikkaku, flustered by a woman. You moved to make another comment but a wave of pain rocked through your body. You tripped, falling forward. Ikkaku noticed, grabbing you. He looked down a bit worried.

"Hey you sure you're okay?" you raised your head, eyes connecting with his. He swallowed when he noticed just how close you two were. He moved frantically lifting you to your feet. When you were upright he moved to let go. You grabbed his arm. "Could you help me back to my room?" you asked sweetly. He narrowed his eyes. He knew you had something up your sleeve, but he could also see the obvious pain on your face. "F-Fine. But if you try anything.." you smiled and he sighed heavily. He picked you up bridal style and your hands wrapped around his neck. Ikkaku dashed off into the sky without a word.

Ikkaku kept his eyes forward. You gazed at him. That serious look on his face, those muscles, his arms holding you so securely. You gave a soft appreciative sigh. "You really are sexy you know that." he sputtered, stumbling in the air for a second before he regained his focus. "A-Are you trying to make me drop you!!" he growled looking down at you as he stopped moving.

You leaned up, just a hairline away from his lips. You could hear his breathing stagger.

"I can't help it Madarame-san..." you whispered. Just as you were about to close the gap he turned his head. He lifted you and heaved you over his shoulder like a sack of potatoes. You pouted at the change in position. "This way you won't try anything." he mumbled. He started moving again and you bit back a smile. "If you wanted a better view of my butt you could have just asked." you teased. He fumed. "B-Be quiet!!!" The remainder of the trip to your room was quiet. You loved riling him up. You pointed to your quarters when he made it to the 4th Squad.

He stopped by your door, carefully placing you down. He wouldn't look you in the eyes. He turned his back. "Later," he said. You grabbed his wrist stopping him. He looked at you in confusion.

"I like you Madarame-san." you confessed. His eyes widened as he pulled back his hand.

"W-What are you saying!!" you looked at him seriously. "I-I thought that maybe you think I'm just a flirty person but I..I'm not usually like this with just anyone. " your eyes shifted, a light blush coating your cheeks. " I really like you. And I'd like it if maybe you could give me a chance to prove it to you." You walked over, wrapping your hands around his neck. He froze, not sure how to react. You tiptoed, pressing your lips to his. His eyes were wide with shock. Unsure of how to respond. You pressed your body into his, becoming more insistent with your kisses. Ikkaku let out a groan, finally returning the kiss. He wrapped his arms around you, lifting you lightly off the floor.You smiled against his lips, opening your mouth to him as his tongue slid in. Ikkaku shifted, pressing your back into the wall. You winced slightly in pain at the contact on your back. All at once Ikkaku released you.

"S-Shit! I'm s-sorry I forgot that you-" you shook your head. "It's okay. You're a really good kisser." you complimented. He smiled lightly. "You really are a handful. " he chuckled. You opened the door to your room stepping in. "Maybe I should rest, we can continue this another time." you promised. "Unless you wanna come in and nurse me back to health." you said suggestively. His face heated at your suggestion. "Goodnight!! " he said firmly. He turned his back and you giggled. "Goodnight Madarame-san." you replied. He glanced at you from the side, right before he took off into the sky. You watched him disappear into the night. You fingertips brushed your lips.

 "Really good kisser.. " 

Bleach Fanfiction-Ikkaku Madarame🔥Where stories live. Discover now