Chapter 9

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"Where is Hanataro?" you were coming back from the Fourth Squad. Usually when you got to the med area he was already there. Today he wasn't though. You asked Isane and she said she hadn't seen him all day. She didn't seem bothered so you assumed it was normal. Even so, you were a little worried. He was an easy target to the other reapers. Especially since his weapon was healing based rather than actual defense attacks. You clutched the gauze in your hands a bit tighter. You came to a sudden stop when you heard laughing in the distance. You walked around the corner. What you saw made your heart clench. Some reapers had cornered him. One held him in a choke hold as the other three took chances punching him. You dropped the contents in your hand rushing to his side.

"Hanataro!!" you hollered. He raised his head slightly. His eyes were swollen as well as his lip. You could see all the prominent bruises on his face. Despite that he forced a smile.

"(Y-Y/N)-chan.." he croaked out. He looked ready to pass out. You came to an abrupt stop with your fists clenched. "WHAT ARE YOU DOING!!" you demanded pointing at his culprits. The one holding him dropped him to the ground as they all turned to you with grins.

"Look at this, came to be a hero little reaper. I bet you're another Squad 4 member. You guys are so pathetic. Is there anything you're good for other than healing?" one of them taunted. The others laughed at his comment. Your blood boiled as you seethed. "I'll show you what I can do!" you started pulling out your sword. They just laughed harder. You bit down on your lip. You knew you weren't supposed to engage in battle with anyone. The Head Captain was strict about his instructions. You couldn't fully control your flames, and he didn't want to risk another accident.

Your hands were shaking as you looked down at Hanataro's battered form. You wanted them to pay. If you just excused this it would just keep happening. Hanataro couldn't defend himself.

"Looks like you're all talk. Just a scared girl." the leader laughed again.

His comment pissed you off. You braced your legs about to dive forward when a hand grabbed you from behind. You looked back in shock at the sight of your captain. "U-Unohana-taicho.." she shook her head, looking down at Hanataro sadly. Her eyes moved back to the three males before her. They stiffened at her presence. "I advise that you all get back to your squad immediately." they didn't stick around to reply. All four men scrambled off in fear. You turned back to her in confusion. "W-Why didn't you do anything!?! They beat him senseless for no reason!" Unohana leaned down looking over Hanataro. He was still wearing a smile.

"I-It's alright. I-I told you I'm used to it." you could see the small tears running down his swollen cheeks. "Our priority is to help our comrade (Y/N). Nothing else matters. " She helped him to his feet. You couldn't believe it. Was she really not going to do anything. "I won't stand by and watch my friend be treated like a punching bag!!" you shouted. Your eyes moved into the direction of the reapers who ran off. You pulled in a breath, trying to get a hold of their spiritual patterns. When you found it you took off. You didn't care if you would get lectured later. Unohana sighed as she watched you. Hanataro looked down. "I-I'm sorry Taicho.." he lamented. Unohana shook her head with a kind smile. "There is nothing for you to apologize about."


Your feet skidded against the ground as you stood at the entrance of Squad 11. "Figures. " you walked in, hands swaying by your side. As you marched through the barracks, some of the males turned to you in confusion. You ignored the stares you were getting, keeping your face forward. Eyes focused. You could hear a couple whispers in the distance. "Who the heck is that?"

"Is this chick looking for a fight!" a few catcalls echoed. You just kept striding forward. You stopped when you got to an opened training area. Your eyes scanned the area. They stopped when they landed on the four men responsible for your arrival. One of them turned, causing everyone in the area to do the same. "Hey! It's that girl." When they recognized you their leader laughed. "Are you serious. You're lucky your captain showed up. Scram before we give you a taste of what your friend got. " The others around snickered.

Your gaze shifted and you noticed a man walk out with a pink haired girl perched on his shoulder. "Kenpachi Zaraki.." you heard stories about him too. Just a look from the guy scared the crap out of people. He looked down at you with a grunt. Behind him was his 3rd seat officer. Ikkaku walked in with a quizzed look on his face. "(Y/N)?" The pink haired girl looked excited. You pulled out your sword, walking right past Kenpachi. "I have no business with you, the ones I want are them." You dropped your sword right in front of them, lifting your fists. "Don't interfere." you said giving Kenpachi a side glance. He stayed silent, just observing.

"A-Are you kidding me. Four of us against you, without a zampakuto. Are you trying to get kill-"

You disappeared, reappearing behind him. He gasped as you swung your foot, hitting square in the face. His body went soaring through the air. When his body hit the ground, silence encased the area. The three reapers remaining looked on in disbelief. You didn't give them a chance. The one closest to you tried to jump back. You grabbed him by the face, slamming it into the ground harshly. The area made and indent. You sprung back to your feet, dropping kicking the next reaper. He fell back with a yell and you took the opportunity to drive your leg downwards, smashing him in his face. He was out cold in seconds. You turned your attention to the last reaper. He stood there, shaking in his spot. You walked over to him slowly. He opened his mouth to speak but you grabbed him by the throat. He gasped, fighting for air. "Am I still a little girl?" you challenged. He shook his head cautiously, trying to get a grip on your hand. You clenched tighter making him cry out in pain.

"If any of you lay a finger on Hanataro again...I'll kill you." Ikkaku's eyes widened at your threat.

You dropped the male in your hands, watching as he scrambled to his feet, running away. You moved back, picking up your blade. When you raised you saw the demonic grin on Kenpachi's face.

"How would you like to join my squad." He asked invading your space. His eyes were glinting and you felt the hair on the back of your head stand up. You backed away. "N-No thank you." you answered. "But you're so strong! You weren't even using your zampaktou!" the pink haired girl cheered. You kept your distance. You thought maybe he would lecture you for just beating up his officers. Instead he looked proud. You sweatdropped. When your eyes shifted to Ikkaku he was grinning to. "That was awesome!!" He encouraged. You blanked. "W-What the heck..these people are weird.."

"I-I'll be taking my leave." you stated flash stepping away. You jumped from building to building in thought. The outcome was...quite unexpected. You smirked. At least now they would leave Hanataro alone. You would make sure of it.

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