~Extra 2~

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"Are you still sore?" your head turned at Ikkaku's question. You were sitting at your table with your legs folded as you wiped your blade. He was seated on the farther end of the room with his back to the wall. He looked at you waiting for an answer. You could see a flicker of worry in his eyes. "I'm fine. Tomorrow I have to spar with Kenpachi. That's what I'm worried about." you chuckled. He smiled lightly. "You better get a lot of rest," he instructed. You nodded.

"By the way....why are you sitting so far away?" he blinked, just realizing.

"Are you afraid I'd jump you." his cheeks darkened. "Like hell!" Even though he said that you could see the flush on his cheeks. Ever since your kiss he was overly cautious. You assumed it was because he was scared you would attack at any moment. Poor guy wasn't used to all your sexual advances. You just wanted to get a rise out of him. 

"The more you retreat the more I want to jump you." you cooed. Ikkaku's eyes moved away in a bashful manner. You bit your lip. It wasn't your fault he was so damn sexy. Those sleeveless robes showing off his muscles. You could only imagine what was under the dark material. 

You snickered, placing your sword on the ground as you crawled over to him. Ikkaku watched your every move. "H-Hey stay back!" he warned. You slipped into his lap and his hands pressed to the wall behind him in shock. "I honestly have no idea why you've been single for so long. I have a hard time keeping my hands off you." Ikkaku inhaled sharply when your hand ran down his arms, tracing his defined muscles. Your eyes flicked to his lips. You licked your own, you could feel his pulse raise under your fingertips. "You always seem to respond to me, no matter how much you try to deny it.." you whispered into his ear. Ikkaku's body gave a slight shiver. 

He tried to give you a threatening look but it wasn't working. "W-Why the hell do I let her toy with me!" 

"Do I make you nervous Madarame-san?" you questioned. 

"It's just something about you that brings out this side, you're the one at blame really." you laughed. "Isn't it right that I just give in. Hmmm~" You leaned forward pressing a kiss to the exposed flesh at his collar. You took in a breath, trying to keep his cool. It was those eyes, those serious eyes. They did crazy things to your body. 

You were taunting him. You wanted to see how much it would take for him to finally break and let you have your way with him. That's all you really wanted. 

He glared at you weakly. He pushed forward, pinning your body to the ground. You stared up in surprise when his hand kept your wrist bound above your head.

"You really like pushing me don't you (Y/N)." he said gruffly. You shuddered. "Got nothing to say?" he urged. He leaned down pressing a kiss to your neck and you held back a moan. Ikkaku snickered. "Can you take all that you dish out. " you blushed. Ikkaku trailed kissed down your neck. You struggled to get your hands free. You wanted to touch him. You need to. He laughed at your attempt. "Not a chance." he murmured on your skin. You lifted your hips, bucking into him. He grunted at the friction, pulling back to press a heated kiss to your lips. You welcomed it. You loved this side of him. So forceful. It made your body shiver with pleasure.

"S-Shit finally!" You weren't expecting him to take lead but you were loving it. You could feel the heat of his skin. You didn't want him to ever stop. He was finally giving you what you wanted. 

His tongue prodded your lips, and you opened them. Just as your tongue was about to meet his, he pulled back, releasing you. He licked his lips. "See ya later." you blinked and in a split second he was gone. You stared for a second. "Did he just.." he got you all excited and just left. You groaned in frustration. "Damn it.." you grumbled. You figured this was your punishment for always teasing him. 

Bleach Fanfiction-Ikkaku Madarame🔥Where stories live. Discover now