Chapter 6

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You finally stopped running. You were in an opened space. When you turned you saw the multiple glowing eyes staring at you. Your hands moved shakily, drawing your sword. You held it in front of you defensively. "Got tired of playing mouse little girl." the hollow taunted. All the others just stood there leering at you. Maybe that one was the boss.

"If I'm gonna die I'm going down with a fight." you yelled yout charging. All of them shot forward except for the one that originally targeted you. You swiped your blade and a red flame of energy flew out. Striking the first hollow in half. A few of them stopped when they saw. Crouching back defensive. You looked down at your sword in astonishment. " zampaktou is a fire type." you had no idea. You hadn't even gotten to Shikai form before this. "Seems I underestimated you." your eyes directed at the hollow. That was apparently in charge.

You could feel the energy seeping from your hands. You grinned. "You wanted this power, so take it hollow. " Destroy them Kaseya!!" you cried out. The area around you was suddenly enveloped in flames. You watched as large masses on fire gathered around your body. You braced your hands striking in their direction. The hollows looked scared, jumping back. Fortunately you got all that was in your line of vision. Their cries filled the air and you gritted your teeth. When the dust cleared you released a breath, huffing from the amount of energy that attack took. When you looked over there wasn't a hollow in sight.

You dropped to your knees in exhaustion. "Finally..over." your hands were shaking.

"You really are naive if you think such an attack could kill me." you head whipped to the side. The hollow was standing behind you with a grin on it's white mask. 


"I told you, I'm not some low level scum. You also proved to be more than I anticipated. Maybe I should have just eaten you before you knew. I guess that's my fault for underestimating you." you stood, about to take off in a run but vines rose from the ground latching onto your body. You looked down in fear. "W-What is this.."

The hollow's step echoed as it walked. It stood over you. "I can't have you running off again. It would be wise not to fight back. The more you squirm the worse it will be." your eyes widened as its mouth opened above you.

"This is the end." were it's finally words. Everything looked like it was happening in slow motion. Your eyes shook with every inch that it got closer.

"I-I...I DON'T WANT TO DIE!!!" you yelled. Fire burst out and this time the hollow didn't have a chance to block. It wasn't just from your sword this time. The ground rumbled as flames shot out.

"H-How are you doing this!!" It tried to retract, but everywhere was covered in flames. You watched as the flames encased the hollow's body, burning it to a crisp. You just stared as the monster burned alive. When it's body had dissipated in the air, the flames were still flaming.

You panicked when you heard the trees behind you rustling. You jumped to your feet, eyes wide with pure terror. "T-Their going to kill me...I-I'm going to die!" your vision was blurred, you couldn't tell what's real anymore.

Ami, Kyoraku, Ikkaku, Jushiro, Toshiro and Kenpachi jumped out from behind the trees. Ami raised her hand, coughing at the fire that was breaking through the earth.

"W-What's going on!!" she eyes focused and she noticed you standing inside the ring of fire. (Y/N)!!" she moved to get over to you but another flame burst up, blocking her way.

Kyoraku placed a hand on Ami's shoulder. "This is remarkable. Is this..her zampaktou's power." Ami shook her head. "I-I have no idea. S-She's never been able to manifest her Shikai. She was always trying but she couldn't." Ami watched helplessly as you stood just a couple meters away, yet she couldn't help you.

"It's almost like the Head Captain's.." Jushiro commented. Toshiro's eyes hardened. "We can figure all this out later. We need to put out the fire. She's destroying everything in her path." Toshiro was right. The trees behind you were catching a fire. It was only a matter of time before it reached a building in the Rukongai. With the energy you were putting out it wouldn't even take that long.

"Howl Hyorinmaru!!" he cried. The ice filled the air, crashing down into the ground. Slowly but surely, the flames began to get overcome by the ice. Ami watched as you still seemed to be rooted in your spot. They could still hear the sizzling of the trees around, but slowly the smoke cleared and Ami could see you better. She approached you slowly once the flames were completely gone. Your eyes looked around frantically, as if waiting for something to attack.

"(Y/N)." she called softly. Your eyes darted forward as you raised your sword.

"Stay back!!" you warned. Ami froze. "I-It's me, Ami-chan." she said pressing a hand to her chest. You shook your head in denial. "Get back hollow! You aren't going to trick me."

"Hollow.." Ami studied you. She finally looked at your eyes. She could see the level of fear reflected behind your gaze. Her eyes watered at the sight. "I-If I had been here..this wouldn't have happened."

"Keep your distance. She's still in shock. " Toshiro advised. He had seen the reaction many times in battles. When fear took over it was hard to tell who was your enemy and who was your friend.

Ami disregarded his advice and his eyes widened. "Fool get back!!" he ordered. She didn't respond, just kept moving to you. Kyoraku moved to stop Ami. "Ami stop!!"

You rushed forward with your blade drawn. Ami gasped when she felt the metal pierce her skin. She looked down, staring at her abdomen, your blade now protruding from her stomach. Kyoraku froze, eyes looking on in disbelief.

Ami leaned forward, coughing slightly as blood trailed from her lips. She pulled your body forward, hugging you despite the wound. "You're safe now (Y/N). Don't worry." she whispered into your ear. Your eyes grew large. You finally looked at her, head turning slowly.

"A..Ami.." you muttered. She smiled at you. "I'm s-sorry...I was..too late.." she mumbled. Your hand released the sword and her body fell to the ground with a loud thud.

"AMI!!!" you cried out. You looked down as blood pooled around her stomach. You moved to help her but someone grabbed you from the back, bounding your arms. You turned to the bald headed male. He gave you a hard stare as he kept you bound. Kyoraku was at her side in seconds.

"L-Let me go she needs-"

"You've done enough." he said. You just stayed quiet. Kyoraku lifted her body into his arms with a pained expression.

"I'm sorry.. I-I didn't mean to.. Ami..Ami answer me AMI!!!"

Kyoraku's eyes shifted in your direction and you gazed at him. He looked, disappointed. You swallowed.

"Let's go." he instructed. Everyone nodded, taking off. The reaper that bound you threw you over his shoulder. "If you attack, I won't hesitate," he informed you. You could tell from his tone, it was a warning. Somehow, you had become the enemy. You nodded, complying as he took off into the sky. From above you could see all the destruction. There were burn marks everywhere.

"I'm..a monster.." 

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