Chapter Fourteen

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"I want her on this dress and cleaned" Jungkook demanded, grabbing something from the cabinets of his room as he handed them a white, silky dress. The maid nodded and began to walk down to the basement to retrieve Miss Shang.

"Tell my hyungs that Shang will be sleeping with me tonight" he order to another maid. The workers were standing still in their positions, waiting for Jungkook to order them something. They're in his large and wide room. Tidy, fancy, and luxury. Everything screams expensive, from his king-sized bed with loads of well-quality beddings, to the large screen attached across the wall. Half of the wall was covered in glass, revealing the beautiful view of trees and maintenance. No sign of buildings or houses. Just trees and green.

"Leave" he commanded and they all scattered out of his room leaving him all alone.

He sigh all of the tension out from his body, remembering the look Shang gave him. It was painful. It made him upset that she was looking at him like some type of monster. Which he was but still it hurt him. He has no thoughts of hurting her yet he receives such treatment.

But those emotions didn't stop him from gaining a standing ovation from his trusty big friend. He was upset but wasn't enough to stop him from the lust that began to build as he thought of her.

Not until his door swung open, despite it being locked by the maids. It flung with a loud thud and a well-composed Jimin entered. He didn't spare the older a look as he grabbed one of his expensive Gucci towels and was about to enter his bathroom.

"She's not sleeping with you tonight...not after your tantrum" Jimin spatted to the younger. It wasn't an angry statement or a conversation about wanting a fight. It was a statement of what was the right to do.

Because Jimin knows Jungkook more than Jungkook knows himself. He knew what Jungkook is capable of when Shang would just sleep beside him. Jimin hated to imagine the things that can happen if Jungkook's door are closed lock with Shang inside. The horrors she would face are too risky.

"F*ck you" Jungkook rolled his eyes, entering his bathroom without uttering another word to Jimin.

The older could only sigh in dismay. Walking to where his bathroom door was and shouting.

"She already has a room. Just don't come close when you're not in your right mind!" Jimin warned with a loud sigh when he heard the shower water running.

He swore that one day. He was going to be fed up with the youngest bullshits and had nothing to do than to release his own demon.

He left Jungkook's room and went to the basement where the maid Jungkook ordered had trouble pulling Shang upstairs.

After a couple of walks, he could hear grunts and denials of Shang. He saw how Shang begged the lady to let her go. It pained Jimin to see her in this state, but he knows that she soon will realize and accept the fact that it was destiny. Just like their mother did.

When Shang successfully pushed the lady away from her, she ran with her hands tied up. Not knowing where to go. She ran with tears in her eyes. Somehow the running made her hope that she could escape. Not when she saw Jimin standing still on his spot. There were no turns, just a straight hallway where Jimin and she were now facing.

It didn't stop her from running. It made her run faster. Stumbling as soon as she's face to face with Jimin. She kneeled while him holding her tied hand.

"Please- please let me go... I won't do anything. I won't report you. Just please..." She begged, kneeling to the ground with tears and sobs. It did hurt Jimin. Not by the fact she wants to leave, but by how she begged in front of him.

Kneeling to her height he wrapped his well-built hands around her shivering frame and ran his small fingers on his jet-black smooth hair.

"I'm sorry kitten... But we need you"

"N-no-" Shang could only whisper. Feeling all her muscle sore. Her whole energy was wiped out when she ran. She couldn't be able to move.

"I'm sorry for the trouble Mr. Park, but I need to give Miss Shang her shower" the maid Jungkook had ordered said, bowing respectfully to one of her masters.

The maids are all well trained, some maids are the maids their father used to have and some are new who had sworn to their lives the loyalty to the family. So if they see a murder committed in this mansion, they wouldn't scream or quit their job, they would gladly to help the mess.

"It's okay, I'll take care of her" The maid nodded and off to fulfill her duties by cleaning the mansion.

There's this slight comfortable feeling roaming in Shang's heart. She felt somewhat safe when Jimin is around. Still, it wouldn't change the fact that Jimin was the one who threw Namjoon, who killed the love of her life. Now her anger began to boil, the sorrow was once crawling in her veins.


Gosh Namjoon.

A tear slipped from her eyes before she blacked out on Jimin's arms.


Taehyung was happily placing all of the clothes they bought for Shang. He was enjoying himself stationing the clothes he bought, Jimin bought, and Jungkook's. The three of them had different styles and preferences so Taehyung—before they kidnapped Shang made three walk-in closets in her room.

Now he's sorting all of the Gucci shoes he brought for Shang. The first walk-in closet was still empty because Jungkook had not yet decided to place the clothes he brought. The second was his and the third was Jimin's who already had all the clothes inside.

He gave all his effort into placing each expensive piece of clothing perfectly on the shelves. Making sure that it looked clean and neat. He bought ten different dresses, fifteen t-shirts, twenty-five pairs of jeans, sixteen slacks, twelve slippers, eight belts, and nineteen hats and the rest were all accessories that were nonother made by Gucci. He was proud of his work and began to remove all the bags with the help of his maids.

"Throw them" he commanded, admiring his work. The room was very well. It made him happy. He exited the walk-in closet making sure to close the door gently and began to admire Shang's room. The carpenter is very creative.

Just to be safe, Shang's room didn't have any proper windows because the whole half of the wall was made with unbreakable glass. It's still glass, but things such as throwing something to escape won't break the wall. And if it did then the person had no chance of escaping because the room was on the last floor. Third floor to be precise.

And also. Just to make sure that she wasn't planning on something ridiculous, Jimin had planted cameras on every edge. To respect the privacy of Shang, they no longer placed cameras on her bathroom and her walk-in closets. 

Taehyung could only smile as soon as he sat down on Shang's bed. She wouldn't need this bed considering that she'll most likely be forced to sleep on either three of them, but mostly Jimin and Taehyung just to be safe.

Taehyung began to wonder what wonderful things he could do with her.

" My're already ours"


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