✿ Chapter Fourteen

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" This isn't her body!" Namjoon cried in protest as he pointed towards the casket. He was aware that he was making a scene in front of these people, but right now he doesn't care. " Hyung she's not her!" He begged for Mark to set things right, but it seems like her older brother already gave up from finding his sister.

"Namjoon you have to calm down" Mark tried to reassure Namjoon that everything is going to be okay, but his father didn't helped at the situation at all.

" It's her Namjoon! She's dead! My daughter's dead!" Mark could only sigh in exhaustion, now he needed to take care of two crying man. Namjoon just shook his head, still not accepting that she was dead.

"We can't give up now! We just can't!" Soon Min, Hance and Yoongi climed up the stage to retrieve two broken body's away from people's eyes to not cause a scene.

"Namjoon you have to relax, we'll talk this one out... Like we always do" Yoongi patted his back without any restrain Namjoon let his older brother to guide him with the help of Mark. Hance and Min took care of their father who was saying some speech that wasn't clear enough because of his sobs and hiccups.

" Hyung... It just can't be!" Namjoon rushed into other casket, opening the door and grabbed Shang's dead body. People gasp in shock, some already taking a video while some gossip about the new tea they have sipped. Namjoon shakes Shang's dead body to wake it up.

She's just sleeping... She'll wake up! She always wake up!

He tried to comfort himself but it all just made things worst as memories began to warmly flow on his head. Some scenes flashes in his eyes like a movie marathon. The image of their first date, first anniversary the image of Shang's smiling face. It made him cry even more. Hugging the dead body on his arms, rocking it while singing the song.

  When you say that you love me
Feels like I’m walking across the sky

Despite his broken voice he continued

Tell me about forever, just one more time
When you say that you love me
I just need those words
That you’ll never change, just one more time

Despite the pain In his aching heart he continued.

You’re ever-ything in this world to me
Harder, so it hurts, hold me tight
We shared something
And you can’t make it nothing
I hope you don’t forget
You’re m-my

He sobbed, destroying the melody of the song—But again, he continued

D-day by day
Summer, winter
Even if you don’t k-kn-know

He swallowed the thick plug on his throat. Even his throat is stoping him from destroying the song by his hoarse and broken voice. He probably looked funny. Buy still, he continued.

You got the... best of me-mmm-me

"NAMJOON!!!" someone screamed. Before he knew it, a heavy object fell on His back loosing his balance. Namjoon fell on the stage with a loud impact and soon, horrific screaming beamed inside the room.

"Y-yoongi!" Hance cried out, seeing as Mark trying to remove Yoongi's unconscious body on top of Namjoon.

"H-hyung..." His voice was shaking. Hands automatically pressed Yoongi's wound to stop it from bleeding. " Hyung!!!" He cried. Someone was trying to shot Namjoon, but Yoongi was the one who got shot because of his police officer instinct. Yoongi saw some flash of lights on the upper balcony or in the ceiling—it wasn't clear but Yoongi knew the weapon was aimed to his brother

Three Hearts For One « P.JM , J.JK , K.TH »✓Where stories live. Discover now