Chapter Two

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Gabriel Malcolm is making his rounds of Hell when he decides to cross the barrier and visit the ladies of Sanctuary. He nods his head towards the guards posted at the door between Hell and Sanctuary in greeting, garnering a quick and polite, "Good afternoon Prince Malcolm." Gabe sighs at the title but smiles and walks through the door and towards the manor house of the area, funnily named Hellfire due to its resemblance to its creator's estate on Earth, Starfire. As he approaches the entryway he pulls out his pocket watch and asks "I do wonder if Sapphire has come down today..." He shakes his head and quickly stows the watch in his jacket once more before walking into the estate, where he is greeted by Lady Donovan and Lady Mallory. "Good afternoon, ladies. I was in the realm over and remembered that my brother had asked me to drop by when I could to check up on everyone. We just wanted to make sure you had everything you needed to keep yourselves and the people happy." Karissa smiles and responds, "My sister and I thank your family for the concern, but I do believe we have everything handled. If you'd like to stay for tea, we were just about to go up." She motions towards the stairs as Selena turns and begins to ascend.

Gabe smiles, "Well, I can't exactly say no to the ladies of Sanctuary, it'd be impolite. I'd love the opportunity to have tea with you lovely ladies." He follows Karissa up the stairs as the three of them begin laughing. Once they make it up the stairs Selena begins preparing tea. "Same request as typical?" She asks as she disappears behind a small row of cabinets. "Yes, please Selena," Gabe calls as he and Karissa sit down across from each other. "Karissa, your new outfit looks beautiful." She smiles, "Thank you, Gabriel. My sister and I both received new outfits from a grateful, and sadly recent, resident. A seamstress by the name of Abigail Rivers, she even says she knew you. Talked of how you were always so sweet and kind when you had to come into her office for a fitting." Selena laughs as she carries a tray over from the counter. "I asked her if we were discussing the same Gabriel Malcolm or if you had a good twin that no one had informed us about." Gabe chuckles as he says "Of course you did... thank you for the tea Selena."

As Gabe takes a sip of tea Selena sits down and smiles. "You're welcome, Gabriel. How is everyone Topside?" Gabe puts his cup down as he says "Quiet well, happy that Madeleine is returning. Especially mum, she has missed her sister." Karissa chuckles as she takes a sip of her tea. "I am happy that the transition has been easier than expected for her. I was worried that she wouldn't heal in enough time to have her ceremony." Gabe nods and sighs as he says "Well, we are eternally grateful to your husbands for keeping her safe while she healed. If they had not intervened when they did..." Gabe silences himself with a shudder, "Never mind that, she had her ceremony just last week. I don't know if she told you, but practically the whole family attended. I really don't know how we fit everyone into the church now that I think about it." Before Karissa or Selena can respond to Gabe's statement, a gasping scream and thud come from the balcony. "What in Hell's name?!" Gabe exclaims as they all jump up, leaving their cups on the table. "There shouldn't be anyone out there, and the portal should've closed by now," Selena says as they look to the balcony doors. Gabe looks away from the door for a split second, "Did you just send someone back?" Karissa nods, "Why yes, your sister-in-law. Sapphire."

At these words, Gabe bolts for the door, opening it and running out quickly as a guard appears in front of Karissa and Selena. "Lady Sapphire is in front of the portal, Lady Donovan. She came through right as it was closing." Gabe, hearing enough of the guard's report, quickly walks closer to the portal, refraining from running so that he doesn't scare his sister-in-law anymore than she might already be. He takes a breath and walks over to her with slow steps, kneeling in front of her as he asks "Sapphire... The guards said you took quite the tumble... Hey, Fire focus, you know my voice." She looks up with a slightly wild look in her eye, taking her first full breath when she realizes who is talking to her. "Gabriel?" Gabe smiles as he nods, "Ah, you're still up there... Just gotta knock the cobwebs out, huh? Trust me, I know it can be a little hard to get your bearings after that... Come on, why don't I help you inside. The ladies are worried about you." Sapphire nods and takes hold of Gabriel's hand as he pulls her up gently. She takes a breath and hugs Gabe as she says "I'm glad you were here, little brother... I... I sent Arri to the gardens to tell them... Oh my head." Sapphire complains as Gabe leads her inside.

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