I was sitting in the classroom, trying to prepare myself for another math class. It's been hard for me in this school where all the ritch kids go to. My familly doesen't have money but my uncle is the headmaster so he got me in.
"Morning looser." One of the classmates pulled on my braid, jerking my head backwards. "Shouldn't you be feeding pigs this morning?" He laughed.
"She already did." His barbie girlfriend joined him in torturing me. "Don't you smell it on her."
The whole class started laughing and I picked up my things and started running out. I didn't have a destination but I knew if my life was in danger he will show up. I reached the top of the mountain and when I looked down my head started spinning. I closed my eyes and started falling.
All of a sudden I felt strong arms around my body, as my legs touched the ground again. "Y/N, what were you thinking?"
"Thor?!" I whisper, looking at him. He looked just like six months ago when he left to Asgard, leaving me in this town. I raized my eyes looking him.
He was gripping hard on his hammer and I could tell he was angry. "Did you loose your mind?" He took a step closer. "What if I couldn't catch you in time?" He grabbed my hand.
"I knew you would come..." I look at my fingers, playing with them.
"So you jumped off of a clif just to see me?" He raized his eyebrows. "You could of die."
A tear escaped my eye as my butt hit the hard ground. "So what, no one would miss me." I scream.
Thor sat down nex to me, pulling me in his arms. "I would miss you."
"Liar!" I cry even more when his skin brushed on to mine. "You were gone for six months and you woulnd't return if I haven't jumped off of this damn thing." I fight to get away from his embrace but his grip was too strong.
"So I wasn't there when you got that necklasse for your birthday?" He traced the necklasse around my neck. "And when you got so drunk you couldn't walk?"
"You were there?" I gasp.
Thor chuckles, kissing my cheek. "Who do you think got you home?" He loosened the grip on me. "I was looking at you every night when you were sleeping, even though I shouldn't be here."
I stared in his blue eyes and started leaning in. "Take me with you to Asgard." I whispered on his lips. "If you leave me here I w..."
Thor pressed his soft lips to mine, in a sweet but lustfull kiss. "You can come with me." He chuckled, playing with my hair.
"Why can't I come, I tought you..." I look at him. "Did you say yes?"
He traced my sides with his fingers. "I know I shouldn't say this but I have feelings for you." He smirked when my cheeks heat up. "So will you join me on a adventure?" I jumped in his arms, holding him tight. He raized his hammer and kissed my cheek. "Hold on tight."