valentines day (Chris Evans)

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You woke up to a empty bed. Your boyfriend Chris was nowhere to be foud. As you were searching for your phone you found a letter and a red rose on the side of your bed.

Good morning beautifull,
First of all happy valentines day I'm sorry I can't be there I got an emergancy call by the Marvel director. Anyways I love you be home soon.

P.S. follow the rose petals.

You put the letter down and follow the rose petals like you were told. You arrived to the kitched where you favourite brekfast was waitig for you. You ate and as you were about to pick up the plate you find another letter.

Now that you are full, go to the spare bedroom. Your next pressent is awaiting.

P.S. I love you

You rushe to the spare bedroom where you find a black box with a golden decor. You were anxsious so you quickly open the box.

You inhale as you see a beautifull dress, champigne color, nicely folded in a box. You take it out and another letted fals to the floor. You pick it up.

Thia is the finnal letter my love. Put this dress on and meet me at the place we have meet.

P.S. hurry up I can't wait to see you

You put on a dress and a perfume then drove to your favorite restaurant where you meet the love of you life.

The reataurant looked like its closed. There was no cars in the parking lot, only one waiter that was waiting for you and all the tables were empty.

You are walking toward the table where waiter has sent you. Large wooden door openes and the first thing you see are red flower pettals, similar to the ones in your home.

You follow them and on the sides you noticed candels, under flower buqets. You smile at the tought Chris has set this up for you.

"Helo baby you look beautifull." Chris greeted waking you ip from your day dream.

You looked at how handsome he was, standing in the middle of the restaurant next to a table prepared just for you two.

You walk to him and right before you kiss him he kneels down on his knee and pulls a red velvet box out of his jacket pocket.

"Babe I love you... I woul'd love to... crap I'm so nervous." He scratch his head.

I chuckle. He is so cute when he is nervous.

Inhaling deeply he countinous talking. "What I'm trying to say is please marry me."

He opened the box and I gasp. "Yes, yes I would love to be your wife."

Chris got up and spun me around. "I love you fiance." He chuckled.

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