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Charlotte was shown to her dormitory where she would be sharing with Lily Evans, Marlene Mckinnon, Dorcas Meadowes, and Mary Macdonald

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Charlotte was shown to her dormitory where she would be sharing with Lily Evans, Marlene Mckinnon, Dorcas Meadowes, and Mary Macdonald. She did not know any of these girls, but she sure hoped they were nice. If she did end up living at Hogwarts full time she did not want to deal with mean girls. Her trunk was at the end of a bed and Artemis was on top of it.

"Hello my sweet kitty, oh how I have missed you!" She exclaims cuddling the cat close to her chest. She goes on and on ranting to her cat because well who else could she trust with these things. But little did she know her room mates were just outside and heard everything she had said.

They felt bad for her and they were definitely going to make sure her life at Hogwarts was way better than her life at Cresswell Manor or so they hoped.

Charlotte took a quick shower and changed into her pjs and decided to call it a night before her roommates even had a chance to formally meet her. But now they knew enough information to feel like they had known her their whole life.

*.·:·.☽✧    ✦    ✧☾.·:·.*

The next morning Charlotte woke up with a smile on her face. Today she would start classes and maybe even make some new friends. She combed her hair, brushed her teeth, and put on her gryffindor robes.

She decided that she was more than capable of going to the great hall for breakfast on her own. When she arrived there were hardly any people there, but eventually people started filing in. Then the owls dropped off the mail and Charlotte was surprised to see a letter to her.

But oh no it was not a normal letter, it was a howler. But Charlotte had never received a howler before so she did not know this. The letter floated in the air and began to scream at her.


Everyone was now looking at Charlotte and clearly felt bad. Well maybe except the slytherins. She was in shock. She knew she was going to be in trouble, but she didn't actually think her mother would kick her out of the house.

Of course she could stay at Hogwarts for breaks, but she would not be allowed to stay here during summer. Her first instinct was to go back to her dorm and stay there, but she needed her schedule and classes would be started soon.

So she did the next best thing, she accepted the hugs of her new found friends who sure cherished her more than her parents did. She tried her best not to cry, but a few tears did indeed slip. But Sirius who was to the left of her was there to comfort her.

Once Charlotte was actually able to get some food down she received her schedule from her head of house, Mcgonall. The professor gave her a look full of sorrow, but continued to pass out schedules.

She had atleast one of her new friends in every class, except for potions. But maybe that would give her a chance to meet someone new. Her schedule included the following for today, but of course the piece of paper would chance a little each day of the week.

History of Magic
Defense Against the Dark arts

Great. Her first class of the day was the one she had no friends in. She hoped she would make atleast one new friend so she wouldn't be alone in that class. She bid her friends goodbye and started her trek down to the dungeons.

She arrived and sat down at an empty bench. The class began to fill up and soon a boy stood by her. "May I sit here?" He had asked her and she nodded.
"I'm Charlotte, what's your name?" She asked politely. "Severus," he replied and she smiled.

"Would you mind if I called you sev," she asked. "As long as I can call you lotte," he said. She smiled at him and nodded excitedly. She had never had a nickname before and she was excited that she gained a new friend.

Professor Slughorn cleared his throat and the chatter died down. "Hello students. Today in potions we will be learning about the cure for boils. A must know for teenage wizards." Eventually he put all of the ingredients on the board and allowed them to start.

Charlotte grabbed all of the ingredients as Severus added all the correct amounts and stirred it with the help of Charlotte. The final product was a light blue potion which emitted pink smoke, exactly how it should.

Slug horn stopped by their workbench and praised them on how well they did. Invited both of them to the slugclub which was apparently for people who had a talent for potions. Charlotte and Severus shared a smile and a high-five.

Soon class was coming to an end so Charlotte finally decided to ask Severus what class he had after potions. She was sad to find out that he had herbology so she would not be seeing him. But at the end of class she told him she would see him at lunch and walked to her transfiguration class.

Professor Mcgonagall was the one teaching the transfiguration class and Charlotte was thankful. Mcgonagall had been very caring to her since her arrival at Hogwarts. She ended up scoring a sit with Remus Lupin one of her friends and she knew this was going to be a great class.

They surprisingly learned a lot in just a hour. Charlotte had learned her first spell ever which had been revelio. She also learned just how sweet Remus Lupin was. He was such a good partner and never raised his voice not even once when Charlotte begged him to help her master the spell.

She just could not get the hand motion right, but with Remus' help she finally learned it and she was very grateful. Being some of the first students to finish her and Remus learned a lot about eachother after a bit of chit chat. But soon the class had come to an end and now it was time for Charlotte to head to Charms.

Professor Flitwick was the teacher of charms. He was a very short man, but none the less he was scary when he yelled. The students quickly shut their mouths and found a seat, not wanting to be yelled at. This time Charlotte scored a sit with Sirius Black. But she was wasn't complaining. Sirius Black was very very attractive and she had thought very often about him ever since a Diagon Alley.

That day in charms class they successfully learned how to perform the charm, lumos. Lumos was a spell  that pretty much turned your wand into a flashlight, but not exactly. It just causes light to burst out of the end of your wand. Sirius surprisingly still never brought up the incident in Diagon Alley, but Charlotte certainly wasn't either.

Soon it was time for lunch in the great hall and it was then that she realized she wouldn't be able to eat lunch with her new friend, Sev. He was a slytherin and she was a gryffindor and the houses loathed eachother according to the older students in her house. But she took the risk and ended up sitting with Sev at the slytherin table.

She got a few stares from the slytherins, but when they realized she was merely a first year they decided that she posed no threat and went back to their business. Charlotte was overjoyed that she had not been told to leave.

However the gryffindors were in shock. Well Charlotte's friends were atleast. Why had she decided to sit by a random slytherin instead of her friends? They just simply couldn't come up with an answer. But sending glares her way aimed at Severus was not going to do any good.

From their table the Gryffindors realized that this boy made Charlotte very happy, but they still couldn't get over the fact that she was fraternizing with the enemy....

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