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Charlotte had really enjoyed her lunch with Sev

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Charlotte had really enjoyed her lunch with Sev. She was maybe even starting to fancy him a little bit. But what would she know about love... for she was only eleven. But maybe in the end she'd end up with Sev. Well at least she hoped she would.

But besides that her first day at Hogwarts had gone well...pretty well if you ignored how her own mother and father disowned her. Charlotte looked over at the Gryffindor table and noticed how the boys whom she had befriended earlier were all staring. She waved at them hoping for a response and they all turned around and started to mind their own business.

Had she done something wrong? She didn't how it would be wrong to sit with her new friend. Maybe she would muster up the courage to ask them later in the common room. She exchanged goodbyes with Severus and finished up her classes for the day. She had her last classes of the day with Sirius and he had pretty much ignored her.

Were they really that mad over Severus? Surely she loved her friends, but not enough to pick them over Severus. After dinner which she had also spent at the slytherin table she decided to confront them when they reached the common room. "Guys did I do something wrong? You have been ignoring me since lunch." Sirius looked like he was actually going to explode so Charlotte stepped back. "You were sitting with the slytherins! Have you never heard of the rivalry between slytherin and Gryffindor? Plus why were you sitting with that slimy git, instead of us? Aren't we your bestfriends?"

Charlotte eyes went wide as she got scared for a moment, but quickly decided that Sirius was not allowed to make fun of Sev. "I did nothing wrong! I sit where I want to sit and I will be friends with whoever I wish. You guys are not going to be my only friends, nor are we friends anymore. Good riddance!"

The boys did not even object as she walked to her dormitory and got ready for bed. They had severely messed up, but in their minds they had done the right thing. Her room mates were already sleeping so she did not have to worry about them asking questions. But another person was listening. Mcgonagall had been right outside of the portrait when the screaming match had happened. Getting disowned and losing your friends all during your first day of school had to be miserable.

*.·:·.☽✧    ✦    ✧☾.·:·.*

And here is where our real story starts, four years after. Charlotte is now in her 5th year and still hates the "mauaraders" as they called themselves. But she was ever so close with Severus Snape now, they pretty much did everything together. After Charlotte's mother learned that she was spending more time with the slytherins than her own house she had gladly taken her child back. Although she still got a firm slap to the face and a stern talking to, it was better than having nowhere to live.

Dumbledore had actually considered trying to get Charlotte resorted because she no longer had the qualities of a Gryffindor, but Mcgonagall had turned that down real fast. She had a feeling something would happen this year. Something big.

Today had been a Hogsmeade trip and Charlotte was overjoyed. She loved nothing more than walking down the roads of Hogsmeade swinging her and severus' conjoined hands. Although they actually discovered they did not like eachother they still did it for fun. Severus was obsessed with one of Charlotte's room mates, Lily Evans. They had actually been friends for quite some time, but everyone knew he stood no chance against James Potter.

James Potter, now one of the most popular boys in his year was literally gorgeous. Any would die to date him well maybe except Lily. She hated his guts or well that is what she wanted everyone to believe. But Charlotte knew they would end up together in the end somehow.

Back in Hogsmeade Charlotte and Severus entered Honey Dukes. She had a huge sweet tooth and made sure to stock up on her favorites each trip. After gathering all the candy they could ever need and paying they left the shop. But not before Charlotte bumped into Sirius Black and practically fell over. Sirius had offered to help her up, but instead she took Severus' hand and began to walk away. "Oi, Cresswell you can't ignore us forever!"

"Maybe I can't, but I'll die trying." Charlotte walked away too fast to notice how sad Sirius really was. It was a well known fact among the gryffindors that Sirius had fancied Charlotte since day one. Everyone knew, well except Charlotte and they vowed not to tell her. They would never dare cross the Gryffindor prince.

After the encounter the two friends walked to the Three Broomsticks and ordered two butterbeers. "Are you ok Lotte after all that happened?" Severus asked genuinely sounding concerned. Now it was not a well known fact because only Severus and Lily knew, but Charlotte really missed the mauraders. Specifically, Sirus Black.

"I'm alright Sev, I suppose. But I really miss them you know? True I had only knew them for two days before the fight, but they were my first friends and really helped me out on my first day. But of course I have you, but sometimes I wonder what it would be like to be friends with them." She ranted to Severus unaware that James Potter had just entered the Three Broomsticks. He surely had heard, but he wouldn't dare tell Sirius. He wanted them to find out how much they really liked eachother on their own.

However both Charlotte and Sirius were quite oblivious and it might take awhile. As Charlotte and Severus finished their butterbeer and left the bulding, Sirius Black could not help, but stare. Charlotte was the most beautiful girl he had ever seen and he tended to hookup with random girls to take his mind off her. But his new playboy reputation didn't make Charlotte hate him less, it made her hate him even more...

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