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"Professor Dumbledore I wish to be resorted, I find that gryffindor just doesn't suit me any longer

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"Professor Dumbledore I wish to be resorted, I find that gryffindor just doesn't suit me any longer."

"As you wish Charlotte." He places the sorting hat on her head.

"Ah Charlotte, I see you have finally come to your senses. I see a lot has changed since the last time we met. Ahhh, yes I see it now. Yes, it better be...SLYTHERIN!" The hat shouts and Charlotte gives Severus a smile.

"Now, I think it's time for that make over." Severus led Charlotte away from Dumbledore's office and to the slytherin commons area. Narcissa and Bella this is Charlotte the newest member of slytherin and she wishes to have a make over to make her look more the part, I figured you two would be the perfect ones for the job."

Narcissa and Bella exchange smirks. "Come with us Charlotte." They led her up to the girl's dormitories. "First lets start with your hair!"

"I was thinking we could cut off a few inches and bleach it, what do you think?" Charlotte nods just wanting to get it over with already.

A few hours later she is practically a new person altogether. Her hair now in a blonde bob and wearing slytherin robes she is completely unrecognizable after they taught her how to do her makeup.

"My stupid cousin, is going to regret what he did. Although I'm not sure why you'd want him anyway, but that's your business." Bellatrix smiled at her.

"You'll have boys falling at your feet, I can promise you that much."

Narcissa was quite right. After spending the night in the slytherin dungeons she had decided to get breakfast in the great hall. When she entered she caught the stare of quiet a few boys, including Sirius.

She made her way to the slytherin table and sat down next to Severus. She loaded her plate with food and as they were talking the boy from earlier sat down on the bench across from her. "How have you changed so much from the time I last saw you? Not that it's a bad thing...you look brilliant!" She lightly blushed and explained how her friends had given her a makeover after she had been resorted.

"Ah so you took my advice after all. Finally you can rightfully be the slytherin princess."

"Who's the slytherin prince?"

"Well Regulus Black of course." So Regulus was the prince and she was the princess. That was quite interesting. She really didn't understand why the slytherins were so nice to her when she was formerly a gryffindor, but she supposed maybe it was because she was the only gryffindor that was nice to them.

She felt eyes burning a hole into the side of her head and when she turned she made eye contact with Sirius Black. He looked upset, but this time she didn't feel bad at all. She was going to give him a chance and he had ruined it. He was a playboy after all, it was silly of her to think that she could change him.

"What's your name by the way?"

"Riddle, Caspian Riddle...m'lady."

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