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7:55 p.m


vienna sausage^wtf stella

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vienna sausage
wtf stella. why didn't u tell us u were going out
with elliot?

alypoo emphasized vienna sausage's message

i know i know im sorry
i promise i was going to tell u guys it just happened really fast. he wanted to
"get closure" so we met up
literally for 10 minutes.
im freaking out though

vienna sausage
u looked super close though stel :/
like 'in love with him still' close
people on twitter are starting to take it the wrong way

have u spoken to timothee?

thats why im freaking out
im scared hes going to be angry with me
especially bc we've barely spoken since the date
ive been so distant
god im such a dumb ass bitch

do you still have feelings for elliot?

obviously theres a part of me that will always love him
he was my first serious relationship. but
i have no desire to be with him ever again
today just reinforced that i really want to see
where things go w tim.

then you need to tell him that babe. before he
starts to think otherwise. everyone is tagging him
in those tweets. he needs to hear it from you.

i know, im gonna text him rn.
i love u guys to the moon and back
thank u for being the best best friends
in the world.

vienna sausage, alypoo & blairbear loved this message

8:12 p.m

hey. can we talk?

read at 8:13 p.m
ok i guess i deserve that

read at 8:14 p.m

hear me out though, please?

read at 8:16 p.m

ok, i get it. talk to me when you're ready to
have an adult conversation

𝐛𝐥𝐢𝐧𝐝𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐥𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭𝐬// timothée chalametWhere stories live. Discover now