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I awoke the next day to not only a hangover, but also four unread texts from Timothée. I was feeling many emotions, but regret was not one of them. Sure, I was a little embarrassed about the drunk post I meant to post on my finsta, but it wasn't that incriminating. Plus, it was only up for two minutes before Alyx stole my phone and deleted it for me before people really started to talk.

In reality, I woke up this morning and found that I was only more angry at Timmy.

"He really has the nerve to only text me because Saoirse saw my post? And all of a sudden he has all the time in the world to text? God, how dumb can he be? Like, seriously?" I groaned to Vienna, finally reading the texts he sent this morning:

you up?
im sorry i havent been speaking to you the past
few weeks
its just been so busy on set

yes im up
and thats a crappy excuse
its not like you dont get breaks
or even days off
you were literally out drinking
least u could have done was
shot me a quick text

i know

i just feel like this is very one sided right now :(
you've just been so weird lately
it makes me feel like ur hiding something
and then people on socials speculate
it makes me look stupid
when people on twitter know where you are, who ur with
and i cant even get a text back and im ur gf

obviously theres nothing happening with me
and josephine, i don't even know where you got that idea
she's a good friend of mine and it kinda
annoying that you don't
trust me after everything

i obviously trust u
but u know the struggle it was to let u in
and then u go and avoid me for days
and it just makes me feel like shit idk??

what else do you want me to say?

you have to be kidding me
thats exactly the problem
you shouldnt have to ask me what i
want you to say
you're obviously only apologizing bc
you know im mad
not because you actually care
its clear that you don't want to put the effort in
so you don't have to say anything else!!

i've just been trying to throw myself into this project
as much as i can because theres so much pressure
on me right now

i get that timothee
i really do
but ur missing the point
what happened to
"no matter where we are we'll make it work?"

no i think ur missing the point, stella
you dont get it
you dont have to be on set 10+ hours a day
you dont have to worry about how critics
or the academy react to the way you act
you dont have to deal with a director that strives for perfection
you just vlog you and your friends having fun
and upload it on youtube.


i didnt mean it like that
i just worded it badly, im sorry

you did mean it though, lol
so, yea maybe you should
just focus on your movie
and ill focus on having fun in my perfect little life
and upload it on my silly youtube channel
because thats all there is to it!

stella cmon, we shouldnt talk like this
over text

read at 11:24 a.m

what so are you like breaking up with me?

but i think we should just step back
and think a little bit
i meant what i said
you focus on ur movie
ill focus on whats happening here
and thats that.

incoming call from angel...

call ended

"hi, you've reached stella! if i didnt answer im probably ignoring you or busy, but leave a message if it floats your boat. peace!"

a/n: hey guys! sorry for keeping you waiting this long. school has been very stressful lately. but... there are only 3 chapters left in blinding lights which is insane and super sad!!! thank you guys for all the love and support recently ❤️

𝐛𝐥𝐢𝐧𝐝𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐥𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭𝐬// timothée chalametWhere stories live. Discover now