Break up

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After Neverland you realised you weren't Reginas true love, thanks to Tink. You didn't want to be wasting your time and wasting Reginas when someone was out there who she was meant to be with.

She was devastated, she knew it was coming but she didn't want to accept it at first. You didn't talk for a whole year. When you did start talking it was awkward, very awkward.

She still had feelings for Neal, and she had a thing with Hook. You didn't want to be put last but you wanted to work things out. You loved Emma, and you hoped she loved you back but you weren't sure.

She was the one who ended it. You didn't let her see you cry, you didn't want her to feel bad. You still remained friends even though it pained you when you saw her with Neal and Killian.

She was in love, you both knew it but you didn't want to leave her. She was everything you ever wanted and now...someone else had her heart. Not literally of course.

You told her to be with him, and she was so grateful. You shared one last kiss and she left. You were happy you did it. She could be with her true love.

Long distance was too much for you two. He was always gone being a pirate and you couldn't go with him since you had to stay home. He felt the same way too but wanted to be with you more than anything.

He wrote you a letter saying if you wanted to be with him, then run away with him. He waited until the middle of the night until he noticed you weren't coming. It broke his heart.

You were leaving for college and he was going to travel the realms. You both knew you weren't going to make it long distance so you broke up the day before he left.

You spent your last night doing everything you both loved to do. Watched movies, played games, ate a lot of chocolate. It was the perfect way to break up.

Oh, you did not see this coming and neither did he. It wasn't like you didn't love each other but you started fighting, and it wasn't like calm fights, you two would scream at it each other.

After a fight you left with Lady, he thought you would come back but you didn't. You couldn't handle the fights anymore, neither could he.

He was engaged while he was with you! He forgot all about you and it made you very very very vengeful. You found him and Snow at a village and shot an arrow at them, it missed him by an inch. Once he saw you, he remembered you.

You glared at them both and Snow got her bow and arrow out, ready to shoot you. David calmed her down and you got on a horse and left. It was the end for you two.

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