You find out your pregnant

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A/N: so I'm only doing the guys for pregnancy. The girls will have adoption storylines that will come after, which I'm actually really excited for

Let me make something clear. YOU WERE NOT TRYING. You both took every precaution there was and somehow it happened. You first noticed you missed your period but didn't take to much notice to it since your periods have never been clock work. Then the sickness starts but again you blame it on Killians cooking since it wasn't the greatness (he does try so you can't blame him).

It wasn't until Victor noticed you kept getting sick, and being a doctor during the curse he knew all the symptoms. While at work you kept getting nauseated even when you weren't looking at blood. He pulled you aside one day and handed you the test, you knew what he meant instantly but told him that you couldn't be pregnant. He ended up convincing you to take the test so you did.

After waiting you looked at the test. "Pregnant. 2 weeks." Your heart stopped for a second. What was Killian going to say? How is this possible?

You talked about having kids but both agreed not to have any until you were sure any threat of evil was gone. Once you were sure you started trying, it wasn't an urgent thing though. You were both young and knew it could take time. After a few months you noticed your outfits that normally fitted perfectly, didn't fit anymore and then you realised you hadn't had your period in a few months. Henry didn't really pay much attention to periods, since they made him really uncomfortable to talk about and to be honest the only reason you didn't notice was because you were to busy worrying that something bad would happen.

You went to Regina first to ask if she could help you find a doctor, she did and when the doctor confirmed it you knew you had to tell Henry admittedly. Regina was as happy as she could be, she was going to be a grandmother. Any thoughts you had on Henry reacting badly went out the window when Regina talked about how she would babysit every weekend.

You two were 100% trying for a baby. He was an amazing father to Grace and you had your dogs, the relationship was definitely not going to end and at this point you had been together for a few years. The only thing that made him unsure was the fact you two weren't married but he remembered you weren't in the Enchanted Forest anymore.

Every month you took a test, since you two were trying it made sense. You hadn't had any yet but you took it none the less. Honestly you expected it to be negative since you didn't feel different and the previous months all had negative results. When the test came back positive you jumped for joy. You were having a baby with your soulmate, something you had dreamed about since you were little. Grace would be an older sister and Jefferson would have another child. You weren't scared to tell him, you knew he'd be thrilled.

Once again, weren't trying. He wanted to have kids but you weren't sure, yes he had Emma but he didn't raise her. Also bad luck seems to follow his family, you didn't want to bring an innocent child into it. When you realised you were late you almost had a breakdown. With the Queens of Darkness lurking, now was NOT the time for a kid. Of course he'd be happy but you were terrified.

Regina came over with a pregnancy test after you called her crying in a panic. You took the test and she waited outside your bathroom, making water noises to help you pee. You came out and handed her the test, she told you the result and of course it was positive. Regina comforted you while you cried, it's not that you didn't want kids. You just weren't ready.

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