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• she always cooks dinner
• you tried once and she banned you for life
• date nights every week (normally to Grannys)
• she LOVES cuddles
• claims she's the big spoon but in reality is the little spoon
• lots of random kisses
• you loving her no matter what
• Henry ships the hell out of you two
• PDA level: 6/10 she'll give you little pecks but that's it


• Netflix dates every week
• all you guys eat is take out
• Henry ships you two!
• so does Snow
• she actually waits to watch a Netflix series with you
• gets very protective when you're in danger
•  she hates the fact you don't love together yet
• drunk Emma is crazy Emma
• PDA level: 4/10 she prefers to keep it private


• she leaves cute notes around the house for you
• you cook dinner together
• lots of PDA because she don't care
• Regina is your biggest shipper
• she loves you so so much
• being the cutest couple in storybrooke
• making each other smile 24/7
• you basically live in a happy song
• PDA level: 8/10 will always kiss you unless things are seriously wrong in town


• wakes you up with a kiss
• spending most of your nights on the Jolly Roger
• date knights in different lands/ realms
• protective but in a cute way
• best at cuddles
• thinks he'll hurt you with his hook but you trust him
• trusts you with his life
• very passionate kissing
• PDA level: 10/10 he doesn't care if people are around, he'll show his love for you


• movie marathons!!
• hand holding 24/7
• Regina loving you two
• him thinking you're the most beautiful person in all the realms
• going to your first balls together
• him trying to impress you
• always up for hugs
• playing your favourite music on road trips
• PDA level: 5/10 he won't kiss you in public but is fine with hand holding and hugging


• he loves you more than his life
• showers you with gifts
• carries you like a bride to bed
• would marry you anytime
• Grace loves you
• you convincing him to play dress up with Grace
• scared you'll leave him cause he went mad
• you actually liking his crazy side
• PDA level: 9/10 always willing to show his love but not as much as Killian


• cheek kisses 24/7
• long walks
• binge watching everything on Netflix
• him calling you his true love
• you getting nervous when he goes on a mission
• he always comes back from a mission with cake
• baking together
• you two act like an old married couple
• PDA level: 2/10 he doesn't want Emma or Snow to see

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