Killian x reader

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A/N: this is set in an alternate universe where Neal survived and him and Emma ended up together and he died in season 5a instead of Killian. The reader and killian are already together.

Going to the underworld may have been the WORST idea Emma has ever come up with. But that didn't stop people from going with her, despite Y/N voicing her opinions about it quite clearly. Being a Queen in the Enchanted Forest, she never bit her tongue when you probably should have.

The streets of the underworld were pretty much empty, except from Y/N and Killian holding hands in the middle of the road. Which would have been unsafe except from the fact she doubted anyone here knew how to drive.
"This place is...eerie" she spoke up, looking around at the street she knew well from living in Storybrooke for 28 years.

"Aye love, hopefully by the time we end up here it'll be more cheery" Killian replies, seeing young children in the distance, which hurt both of your hearts. But the woman who was walking with them made Killians heart skip a beat, whether it was in shock or admiration, he didn't know. It was Milah, his first love.

Of course Y/N knew who she was, from hearing the story of her dead and the tattoo on Killians wrist, she knew Milah was important to him but neither expected to see her. Both hoped she moved on. Milah caught Killians eye, standing there in shock for a few seconds until she ran into his arms. Both holding onto each other for dear life, not wanting to let go incase it was simply a dream.

Yes, this situation was definitely the most awkward one Y/N had ever been in. There he was, the man she hoped was her soulmate, and the woman he thought was his true love. When they finally let go of each other all Y/N could do was watch them as they look into each other's eyes.

"Y/N, Hook! ...and lady I don't know. Emma and Gold found the entrance to Hades lair. They need your help while me and Robin stay up here with Henry" Regina explains as she rushes over to the trio, Y/N sigh in relief, being away from Milah would make this trip less awkward.
"I'll come with you. You can't get in without a dead soul" Milah states, Regina nods and begins to walk away, intending for you to follow her. 'Great, lets make this more awkward' you think as you walk to the underworld version of Emma's house, with Killian by your side.

Once you get down there it's decided that Gold, Emma and Milah will take the boat ride while you and Killian stay behind as look outs. As they watch the boat disappear into the distance, it stays silent as neither Killian or Y/N know what to say. Instead Y/N thinks about everything, if they can bring Neal back home, then they can burnt Milah back.
"You alright love?" Killian asks after he watches her in deep thought for a minute or two. She looks back at him and nod.

"Yeah...just thinking about stuff I guess" Y/N replies not looking him in the eyes because he'll know something is wrong if she does.
"What are you thinking about that's got you so troubled?" He asks, Y/N stand up from the rock she was sat on and pace around.
"Do you want Milah to come back to Storybrooke with us?" Y/N ask, catching him off guard. Y/N actually left him lost for words.

"I...haven't thought about it" he lies, the truth is it had been all he had been thinking about since seeing her. He loved Y/N more than he could say but he loved Milah at one point. Y/N instantly knew that he was lying, she always knew.
"I know she was your first love but...I don't know." Killian looks up at his girlfriend, realising the one thing she would never admit. She was jealous.

"I love you. I don't really want Milah to come back, it's just the shock of seeing her here. You're the one I want to be with" he confesses. Y/N smiles, realising that was the first time he said he loved her.
"That's the first time you said I love you" she reminds him with a smirk on her lips, he blushes in responses and nods.

A/N yeah so a cute little ending. I didn't think I'd finish this in one hour but I did and I like it.

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