The Prodigal Son

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The prodigal son is one of the greatest parables in the Bible and to me the best example of the story in a book or movie that I've ever seen is in Star Wars Episode IX: The Rise Of Skywalker. Specifically the scene of Han and Ben.

Ben was kind of like the prodigal son in the story, and Han was like the father.

When the son returned home he tried to apologize but the father just started pouring out his love and forgiveness for his son before he could even finish.

It was the same with Han and Ben.

Ben started to apologize, but Han interrupted by saying: "I know" which is way of saying "I love you."

But what makes it even deeper is the fact that Han Solo forgave his son for killing him.

Which in the story of the prodigal son the father represented God while the son represents all of his children who were once lost but came to him. And God and Jesus are one in the same. Jesus died (metaphorically) at our hands, yet he died in a willing sacrifice in order to save us.

Han died at Ben's hands, but he also died in a willing sacrifice to save him.

But Han forgave Ben even though he killed him, just as Jesus forgave us even though we were the ones who caused him to die, he even forgave the soldiers who nailed him to the cross just before he died.

Now coming to the conclusion of this chapter... we are all like Ben in this story and God is the forgiving father like Han, who loves you unconditionally.

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