A Bully?(04-29-20)

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Natasha Romanove, a world-class spy, is having a bit to much trouble figuring out why peter seemed to always be bruised. She knew he was Spiderman, but something was suspicious.

He mostly never had them before school.

She quickly grew concerned, but damn was Peter good at hiding secrets. In her search to find out what was wrong, she found out so many secrets, that she kinda felt bad.

Secret one:

Peter Parker, the sweet innocent child, actually killed someone before. This would have been concerning, had the case not shown that it was an act of self defense, and she had been able to track the time to when he first got his powers. She never knew why he always acted weaker until she had seen the case.

Secret two:

When peter was a lot younger, one of his baby sitters had molested him. She could recall all the times he wouldn't hug people, besides May, Ned, Mj, and Tony. Safe to say, Skip W. Was found dead in his cell, and Peter had seem more relaxed after that.

Secret three:

He had a girlfriend die. This one threw Natasha into a spiral of theories. She was concerned that maybe he had been more careless with himself after her death. He had seen her die, and she only knew this because of Spider-Man's(or Peter's') report to the police.

Secret four:

Peter is dating a girl by the name Michelle Jones. After doing a brief research on Michelle(more than she had done before), Natasha approved of MJ. Mj was smart, Fairly independent, and even had a job. Natasha would love to have her as a protege.

Today, Natasha decided to pick Peter up, just to test the small theory on him getting jumped on the way home(when he decides to patrol then walk). Peter didn't come out the school until much later, three more boys too. Peter had his hood flipped up, and didn't seem to register that it was Natasha picking him up.

The three boys saw the spy and peter heading to the car, where she opened the door for him. She could see Peter glance at her for a second, and the bruises on his face gave her the answer. The three boys eyes widened, as her glare increased.

As soon as she got to the tower, Peter and her got into the elevator. She pressed the stop elevator button(it only works for Avengers, reading their fingerprints).

"Your being bullied?"

Peter's eyes widened so fast, and his head moved up at breakneck speed.

"Please don't tell the avengers.. I really don't want them to worry Aunt Tasha." His words made her weak, she had always had the nephew-aunt bond with him, and would kill for him... she has killed for him.

"Fine, but I'm gonna have a talk with them. What's their names?" Peter, seeing this as the best choice, told her.

"Eugene Thompson, John Oblin, and Mike Lunt." He mumbled, but Natasha committed the names to memory.


Flash set down the pizza as his friends went at it. His parents were gone for the week, business as always, and he decided to have his two friends over. A loud knock on the door, and he was back to the front of the house. His face seemed to convey the fear coming off of him perfectly when he saw The Black Widow.

"Eugene Thompson?" Flash could only nod dumbly.

"You and your lackeys better leave peter alone, or I'll call up my friend Tony and destroy you and your parents lives. There are some things worse than death, and I can help you learn that." For added affect, her gun(on safety, she's not stupid) was pointed at his forehead.

"Y...yes ma'am! I understand perfectly." He said, terrified for his life.


Peter knew instantly what happened, as a scared Flash went up to him, and apologized. He decided to ask about it later, hoping his Aunt Tasha didn't pull a gun on his bully. On his way home, Happy picked him up today, he could only hope that Natasha hadn't threatened the most influential person in his school.

"Aunt Tasha... please tell me you didn't threaten Flash's life." She just looked at Peter with her 'are you seriously asking me that' face.

"Peter, he bullied you for I don't even know how long. Be glad he's leaving you alone."

Unbeknownst to the two, Clint was wide awake on the couch near them. Boy was he upset.


Dinner was going as normal, they were all talking to each other, and eating pizza. "So Peter, when were you going to tell us you are being bullied." Clint said loudly, and both Natasha and Peter froze. He looked at Natasha and noticed how she didn't seem to know he knew either.


"Someone is bullying my nephew?"

"What's his name?"

"He's so dead..."

All the Avengers were going insane, trying to get answers from Peter. "Don't worry about it guys... Aunt Tasha took care of it." They all seemed to understand, the bully was probably traumatized by now. But in person just couldn't let it go.

"Kid, who is he?" Tony asked, feeling sort of bad for not noticing.

"Eugene Thompson, but don't worry about it, Aunt Tasha already took care of it, so there is no need to worry." Tony and Pepper shared a look. "Ok, Peter,but if you ever see him bullying somebody else, or you, tell me."

"Ok, I can do that."

Dinner continued on like normal, until Natasha gained a smirk on her face.

"He also has a girlfriend." The table went quiet and all heads turned to him. His face was read and he immediately finished eating and left the table. As he cleaned his plate he could hear Natasha telling them about her. He smiled, knowing that Natasha definitely approved of her. Not that it mattered, he loved MJ.


LETS GO! Two chapters in two weeks in a row? That means I'm probably getting inspiration back:). I'm so excited to write more! And don't be afraid to keep those requests rolling in. Have a good day! Stay safe,

Bye Lovelies 💕

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