Vacation (Part 10)

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('Ello, Dreemurr here (Or Mute_Main ((Or Exaltz XD))! I'm sorry I keep changing my name, I was never really one to keep a name. Ight boys, let's get to work)

-Start of Story- 

-800 hours- (So, apparently I didn't screw up. I did more digging on Military time, and I was right the first time... so I'll be heading back to this type of Military time...I'm an idiot)

-Troy's POV-

Troy: Stop messing around Taina, I'm trying to rest.

Taina: Not until you promise to cook me breakfast today.

Troy: Yeah, yeah, I got you. I will cook breakfast, now stop sucking on my neck.

Taina stops and looks at me with a pouty face.

Troy: Yeah whatever.

I roll out of the bed, onto my feet. 

Troy: Alright, now what should I cook?

I rub the mark on my neck (I'm not explaining it, I know some of you guys know what it means. If somebody in the comments asks what the mark is, I'll let you ruin their density and innocence, I'm not doing it myself.) and groan.

Troy (Mumbling): Of course she left a mark, thanks a lot Taina.

Taina: You say something, love?

Troy: Uh, no ma'am.

I open the fridge and grab a few eggs, some frozen bacon, and sausage patties. I turn on the oven and the stove and grab 2 pans. The eggs and patties could be heard from a mile away, probably grabbing the attention of our neighbors.

-Mac and Elena's Dorm, 3rd Person POV-

Elena (Mira): I can hear somebody's breakfast sizzling in Troy and Taina's dorm...And may I ask why I don't hear any sizzling in here?

Mac looks up from his phone and looks back down again, shaking his head as he reads the group chat texts.

Mac: Alright, I'll start breakfast...

He gets up from the couch and pulls out a few items to cook, earning a smile from Elena. He pulls out a pan and places the bacon on the pan, turning on the stove while he places them carefully. As he was cooking, an idea came to mind.

Mac: We should have a vacation.

Elena: All 9 of us?

Mac: Yep.

Elena: Me, you, Jack, Meghan, Jay, Christian, Iana, Taina, and Troy?

Mac: Yes, that's my idea.

Elena: I think your idea is going to cost a lot.

Mac: Ahhh, we'll all pay it together.

Elena gives him a look.

Mac: The boys will pay for it I mean.

She smiles again, causing him to sigh.

Mac: I guess chivalry is a dead man walking.

-Troy's POV-

Taina: Ahhhhh stop Tro- ohhhhh...

she moans again.

Taina: Oh yes, do it more.

I stopped rubbing the sensitive spot on her back (GOTCHA YOU DIRTY-MINDED SON OF A- Oh oops sorry) and looked at her with an eyebrow raised. 

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