Unexpected Day

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"Hi! I am Ahn Yujin. Some of my friends describe me as a happy and a positive person. I really love to eat! In fact, Wonyoung is always complaining because I keep on stealing her food. I have a cool cool brother. His name is Ahn Matthew. Yep, he is not totally Korean. He is my half-brother but he treats me as his full'blood sister. I really respect and admire him...."

"Ahn Yujiiiiin!!"

Yujin stopped writing on her homework notebook. School just started and Ms. Kwon already required them to submit their 1st essay entry that talks about the self and the person they admire the most. Yujin, being a normal student, decides to do her homework on the day of submission.

"Wait up!" Yujin answered while she prepares some of her things for school.

She quickly went down and saw her mom and her brother eating their breakfast.

"What took you so long?" Yujin's mom asked

"She probably forgot to do her assignment and decides to do it this morning" Matthew teasingly stated.

"Oppa!!!" Yujin replied.

"Yujin, you should be responsible enough. Remember, this school year is very crucial because university admissions are coming and you should prepare yourself. Look at your brother. He is doing very well on his studies and on his baseball career."

"Yes, Mom. I'll do my best. I am sorry for slacking off."

Yujin's mom is one of the smartest researcher in KAIST. That is why there is no question why Matthew is considered as one of the smartest kids in their community. On the other hand, Yujin is above average but not enough to beat his brother's brain.

"By the way Mom, I'll be coming home late tomorrow. I am going to meet someone." Matthew stated while preparing to leave for school.

"Where are you going and who are you meeting?" Mrs. Ahn asked

"Ahhh. There is this girl in our university who asked me to tutor her for the upcoming exam."

"Hmmm. You could just tell to mom that you are going on a date! Hahaha."

"Shut up, Yujin!"

"You better help that girl to pass, Matthew. Understood?"

"Yes Mom!"

Both of them prepared their things and went on their separate ways to school. Before going to school, Yujin always make sure that she will come by at Wonyoung's house to pick her up. Wonyoung is Yujin's childhood bestfriend. Since both of their moms are working in the same research institute, they easily became friends.


"Good Morning, Yujinnie!" Wonyoung greeted.

"Good Morning, Wonyoungiiiee. Let's go! We can't afford to be late in our first class!"

The classroom was noisy. Both of them went to their respected seats. Yujin was surprised when the classroom went silent and was more surprised to see a beautiful girl standing in front of the classroom. It should be Ms. Kwon's class but who might be this new girl? Her hair is long and black. Her eyes are so captivating. Staring in her eyes can bring you to another dimension.

"She is too young to be a teacher." Yujin thought.

"Good Morning, class. Ms. Kwon won't be around today because of some emergency. I am just here to collect the essay she asked you to make."

"Shoots." Yujin remembered that she did not finished her essay yet. She can't screw this homework. Her Mom would definitely be disappointed if she knew Yujin is not being "responsible" enough.

"Ma'am!" Yujin shouted making the whole class including the girl to look at her.

"Yes? Is there anything you would like to say?" the girl asked.

"Can we have an extra time to finish our essay? I didn't finished mine yet. I am so sorry." Yujin replied with her eyes on the ground.

"Okay then. I'll give you 15 minutes to finish your essays. Next time, remember to finish all of your homeworks at home. Ms. Kwon won't be as considerate like me." Yujin saw the girl smiled and she swears it is one of the most beautiful smiles she saw in her entire existence.

"Thank you so much Ms?"

"Ms. Kim. Kim Minjoo."

"Thank you for your understanding, Ms. Kim"

"You are welcome, Ms?"

"Ahn Yujin"

"You're welcome and nice meeting you Ms. Yujin"

15 minutes passed and all of them submitted their homeworks.

"Okay, class. I better get going because I still have classes to catch up to."

"Maybe she really is a teacher." Yujin sighed as she saw the girl ran out of the classroom.

"I hope to see her again"

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