The days coming too

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*Izuku pov*

I'm already in my 9th month! I'm ready to have these angels in the world, I'm due in 2 days & they are ready to come. Sho makes me stay in bed, to be fair it takes alot of effort to get me out of bed. We still see family, they just come over and we stay in our room. We almost always have family or friend over, I manly have ochako over to keep my company while sho is at work.

Oc: Comes in with her key "Hey deku I'm here to hang for a bit!" She said coming into my room.

Iz:"Hey! Come sit." I say putting down my phone.

We chat like usual before she goes to the kitchen to make lunch/snacks, & leave once sho gets home. "Sho~ I want out of this bed! I've been in bed for 3 day straight!" I say frustrated, I've been having more mood swings so sho was used to it. "We'll go out tomorrow. For now I need some sleep." He said yawning. "Fine!" I was still mad. He change & climbed in bed with me. "Good night izu~" sho said cuddling me. "Good night sho~" I yawned

*The next day*

I wake up really happy I can get out of bed. I grab my phone & its already 11 am! I shake sho awake "mmhhh what izu~?" He said half asleep. "Come on its already 11! I want to go out!" I continued shaking  him. "Mmhh 5 more minutes..." he snuggled back under the blankets. "NO I WANT TO GO OUT NOW!" I said shaking him more, untill he pulled me into a grip I couldn't get out of. "Sho come on u promised!" I say trying to get out of his arms. Eventually I get tired & just lay there "Sho... please? I've been in bed for 3 days I want to go out!" I say falling asleep. After a few minutes I fall asleep since I was warm. After another hour of sleep sho wakes me with breakfast! He made pancakes with chocolate chips, strawberries, & chocolate milk! He gets me some clothes while I eat. Once I finished he helped me to the bathroom to shower & get dressed. He picked out a cute outfit and it is super comfy.

We planed to go for a walk to the park, get lunch & icecream.


"Sho it's so pretty out!" I said while we walk "Just like you~" he said kissing my cheek. I blush a deep red. We walk until 2pm, we stop by a restaurant & get lunch. I got spaghetti and sho got fettuccini. Once we got our food the waiter was looking at sho very flirty. You couldn't see my bump bc of the table. I was getting very jealous, but I just ate my food quietly. Once we were done we asked for the bill, once we got it I saw the lady put her number on the recite. I was pissed so I stood up & went off. "LOOK LADY HE IS MY FUCKING BF & WE HAVE CHILDREN DUE TOMORROW SO STOP FUCKING FLIRTING WITH HIM!!!" Sho tryed to get me to calm down but I was pissed off & the lady just looked at my bump & got mad. "How the fuck should I've known!! You look like some guys who just wanted lunch! I thought he looked cute so I gave him my number! So piss off bitch!!" Sho was pissed at this so he smacked her. "You will NOT disrespect me or my family! You only want me bc if my 'father' & know I have money!! So u piss off!" Sho just grabbed my hand & we left. We didnt pay but I didnt care. She was being rude so we dont care.

We walk to the park to relax & calm down. While we were sitting I felt them kicking, I had gotta used to it so I just felt their little punches & kicks. "Sho their moving!" I said happily. My mood swings were really bad so I started crying. Sho just cuddled me knowing it was a mood swing. People walking by stared at us but sho just gave them a look 'keep walking' one. After 5 minutes I stopped & just cuddled up with sho. We just sat there looking at the flowers, I started to get sleepy & ended up falling asleep on sho's shoulder. I feel sho pick me up & carrying me. I sorta woke up once we got home "oh sorry did I wake you?" Sho asked me. "Mmmmhhhhh~.... noooo..." I snuggle back into his arms. Once we made it to the room we laid down & took a nap.

After about an hour & a half we woke up.

*Shoto's pov*
(wasn't expecting that did u? >:))

I woke up with my sweet pregnant bf in my arms, I had to carry him home but I dont mind. The worse part was the looks, I was stopped multiple times to asked why & were I was taking him. I just told them & kept walking. Once I got home I felt him wake up & I felt bad, i thought i woke him but he said "Mmmmmhhhhhh.... nooooo...." & immediately fell asleep again. I love him so much. I was tired to so we just took a nap. "Sho~ u awake?" Izu asked me while I was thinking. "Yup." I said sitting up rubbing my eyes. "Do u want to go back out & get icecream?" "Sure!" He said sitting up stretching. I get out of bed & help him up.

I help in out to the car since we were just going to get food & icecream. I drive to *insert Japanese place with food & icecream* we get fried rice with chicken. I get a hot fug sunday, & Izu gets a chocolate cone. We eat in the car since it was easier then trying to carry everything in.

Once we get finished & I help Izu in the house. It takes a minute but I get him back in bed & get a movie going. Since Izuku was in his 5th month he is been really clinging & always wants  cuddles when we watch anything, but I dont mind he is always super sweet & I love him. Like usual he fell asleep with in 30 minutes of the movie. While I continue the movie I hear Izuku said something. "What was that izu?" I ask. "I love you daddy~..." he said sleeping. I blush a deep red trying not to laugh.

*what is going in in Izuku's dream*

Izu: "Say I love you daddy! Can u say that?"

Their son: "Ahh. Haha!"

*End of that*

After a few more minutes I hear him talking again! "Can u repeat that izu?" I say about to laugh. "Your so beautiful~ *snore*" I burst out laughing & Izuku wakes up "huh? What's so funny?" He said sleepy. "Y-You were sleep talking!!!" I keep laughing. "W-W-What w-was I-I s-saying?!" He asked nervous. "You said 'I love you daddy!' & 'Your so beautiful!'" I started catching my breath. "My dream was about me talking to our kids... I said "Can u say I love you daddy' and 'Your so beautiful little one...'" he said very embarrased. "Oh sorry! It just sounded like something else & it was kinda funny. Im sorry for awaking you." I apologize snuggling him & run my fingers through his hair. He starts the pur and fall asleep, I think it's the cutest thing when he purrs but he really doesn't like the sound, so it's rare when he does. He falls asleep within seconds & I have this cute bundle of love and I will never let him go...

*3rd pov*

Both shoto & Izuku fell asleep for 4 hours until Izuku woke up in pain. It was 2am. He woke up shoto "Sho! Wake up!" He shaked him. "Mmmhhh... what Izu?" He said tiredly. Izuku was crying "IT HURTS!! IT HURTS!! MAKE IT STOP PLEASE!!!" He was sobbing. "Izuku! Its ok!" Shoto held him.

Ok I'm going to leave it here. Yes I'm evil >:) this chapter is super long & I want to make the next chapter about was is going on with Izuku and what happens. I'm going to go & start the next chapter. THANK YOU FOR 200+ READS! Bye!~ Bisexual queen out!

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