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*Izuku pov*

I wake up my arm really hurting then I look up and see todoroki, and then I remind we were in a car crash just 2 nights ago. Then I realized we has school. I shake todoroki awake so we can get ready. We get ready and we head to the school, it was a good 5 minute away but we made it. Todoro was on crutches and I had a sling on. As soon as we got to school we got flooded by questions. (Just to let you know everyone knows deku is pregnant I just didn't write about it) The main question I got is if the triplets were ok. I told them that we were ok just had to get a few stitches bc I got glass in my arm and I had a cast on bc I had the small hair pin fracture. We had to get to class and me and todoroki were able to skip training.

*After school*

"Todoroki? Can we go to your house one day? I want to meet your family." I say very sleepy while we were cuddling. He was so surprised that his flames started to activate. "Sho why are you getting so warm?" I say cuddling up bc I was cold but then I got burned "OW!" I said falling over holding my cheek. "Y-you burnt me..." I started crying and moving away from him. Then todoroki snapped out of his trance. "Oh I'm so sorry! I didnt mean to!" He got down and started to move towards me but I was scared.

*Todoroki pov*

I was daydreaming when midoriya said something that made me upset and I didn't realize what was going on  until he started crying. I saw him on the ground and I only heard one part "you burnt me" and I immediately realized what happened. He was on my right side and started activating my quirk which usually starts heating my body then lights on fire. I tryed to touch him but he immediately moved away from me. I. Messed. Up. He was still crying but I couldn't comfort him and he ran to the extra room with his nesting stuff. Once he got in there I tryed to talk to him but he wouldn't respond. I gave up trying and called fuyume because she was also an omega.

*on the phone*

Fm:Hey little bro what's up?
Td:My omega is upset with me and won't talk to me or even let me get near him!
Fm:What happened when wouldn't he  talk to u?
Td:Idk He asked about meetings you guys but then I started thinks about dad, and I guess I caught on fire, and he was on my right side, I think I burnt him...
Fm:Todo there is nothing u can do but try to talk to him... is he in heat?
Td:No he is pregnant!
Td:Idk but I just need help now! He brought his nesting stuff in there and hasn't said anything! FUYUME WHAT AM I SUPPOSED TO DO?!
Fm:First off little bro calm down! He is pregnant his emotions are increased to the max rn. U should go to the rooms door he is in and just sit there and talk but releases trusting pheromones. After about 10min he will probably come to u ok? You just have to be calm with him. Call me if it gets worse ok?
Td:Ok thanks big sis... I will

*they hang up*

I go over and do what my sister told me. I trust her since she is also an omega and knows what to do. I sit there for around 20 minutes and after those 20min I heard him moving the handle and got up. He was still crying but he hugged me, I got down on my knees and hugged him back and apologized over and over again. Once he started to calm down he looked at me. His eyes were red and puffy, I'm guessing from him crying, I picked him up and went to my room and laid him down so he could get some sleep. Once he was asleep I got a better look at the burn and took a picture to make sure it healed correctly. I went to the bathroom and got some stuff to put on it so it wouldn't scare and put a patch on it. After I changed and then cuddled up with him, I feel so bad but I know I just need to be with him.

*the next day*
*Izuku Pov*
I wake up with todoroki holding me while crying in his sleep, I shake him awake, and the first thing he told me was "Don't leave me please! I want to help u raise our babies together!" He said griping tider around my waist while sobbing. "I'm not going anywhere I promise, but if you want to raise kids can u let go?" I say laughing but struggling to breathe. He let's go "Sorry... I just feel so bad for what happened yesterday... I had a dream that you left me and you hated me and wanted nothing to do with me, you said that you didn't want me..." I cut him off right there with a kiss. "I will never leave you I promise!" And snuggle up with him until I realized we had school! I shot up and got ready as fast as I could and we headed to school. (Oh yay I forgot to mention that recovery girl healed them up while everyone was training SORRY ;-;) We got to school just on time and the day was like any other.

*after school #lazy*

I was laying in my nest I made while todoroki was making kasudon, my favorite. Once he was done he brought some kasudon and chocolate milk to me. I ate around 3 plates full of kasudon. And after dinner sho cleaned the kitten and we went to his room and snuggled up watching a movie untill we both fell asleep.

Ok so I'm going to end I here bc I want to start in the next chapter (and its 8:40am and I still haven't went to sleep ;-;) the next chapter deku is going to be in his 5th month and they are going to meet shotos family. This story is my longest one it is almost 1100 words. I'm going to go to bed now and start the next chapter later- Bisexual queen OUT! also thanks for almost 50 reads!

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