The labour

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*3rd pov*

Izuku was in intense pain and in tears. Shoto was holding him trying to comfort him but the pain was to much & Izuku passed out. "Izuku? Izuku! Come on wake up!" Shoto was panicking, & grabbed his phones & dilated 911.

Op:"911 where is your emergency?"
St:"*his house address*"
Op:"Ok what is your emergency?"
St:"My omega passed out & still hasn't woken up! He's pregnant!"
Op:"Ok I will send an ambulance to your address. Is he breathing?"
St:"Yes but he is still out!"
Op:" That's ok along he is breathing, if he wasnt that would put the child at risked. How far along is he?"
St:"He is 9 months with triplets."
Op:"Do u know his due date?"
St:"Its today. He woke me up crying says that it hurts, & then passed out."
Op:"Ok sir he is probably in stage 1 labor, & the pain probably caused him to pass out. Just make sure he keeps breathing."
St:"Ok. I can here the sirens!"
Op:"Is your door unlocked?"
St:"No but I will go unlock it it's just the next door." *he unlocks the door & runs back to Izuku.
Op:"They should be there in the next minute."
St:"Ok." *Izuku started to wake up* "Izuku are you ok?!"
Op:"Sir is he waking up?"
St:"YES He opened his eyes! No Izuku stay there keep laying down."
Op:"Make sure he stays awake, & laying down."
Iz:"Sho w-what happe-?" He was cut off by the intense pain agian. "AHHHHH!! SHO IT HURTS!!!"
St:"Izuku stay with us it's going to be ok!"
Emt:"Sir we are here to escort you to the hospital. Please try to calm down."
St:"Izuku look at me, take a deep breath. Your going to be ok." He said stroking his hair.
Iz:"O-Okay... I love you."

They get him on the gurren & take him out to the ambulance. Sho drove in his car & called all of their family saying that Izuku was in labor & they were on their way to the hospital. He arrived a little later then the ambulance & went to Izuku's room. Izuku was crying silently. Shoto ran over to him & hugged him. "Its going to be ok we can get through this!" He said hugged his omega. Izuku was given an epidural, but it still hadn't kicked in & he was still in alot of pain.

The epidural didn't work & Izuku was having contractions every 4 minutes & was hooked up to a bunch of machine so he couldn't get any sleep. Shoto was by his side holding his hand & keeping him calm. He combed his hair with his fingers, used presser points to try stop the pain, release calming pheromones, anything to help Izuku.

At around 8am their families came in the room. Inko was really worried bc she didn't like seeing her child in pain.

Ik:"Izuku honey are you ok!?"

Iz:"Yes mom in fi-" he was hit with another one & squeezed Shotos hand.

St:"Its ok. U can get through this." He pet his hair.

Iz: Contraction ends "Yes I'm Ok."

Fy: goes next to inko "how long has this been going on?"

St:"Since 2am... we haven't gotten any sleep..."

Ns:" Shoto would you like to get some sleep? We can stay her with Izuku..."

St:"No I'm fine... I have to stay wi-with him..." *in & out of sleep*

Fy:"Little brother you need to get some sleep. If you really want to be there for Izuku you need some rest."

Iz:"Sho I will be ok for a bit. Go get some sleep." He smiled sadly.

St:"Ok... I will be over here." He goes to the chair, sits back & immediately falls asleep.

Inko goes by her son's side & takes the place of Shoto. She holds her hand & they talk. Evey few minutes squeezing Inko's hand.
Shoto takes a 4 hour nap untill he was woken by a blood curdling scream from Izuku.

St:"Izuku!!!" His alpha went crazy wanting to help his omega.

Iz:"AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!" he had went into active labor & the pain was much worse

St:"Izuku!! Are u ok?!?!" He ran over to his omega

Iz: Tears ran down his face "I-It h-h-hurts s-sho." He grabbed his alphas hand.

St:"We can get through this. It will be worth it to see our kids. Be a family together." He wiped the tears away.

Iz: Smiles "Ya it will be..." *kisses shoto*

St: *kisses back*

Iz: *breaks away* "I love you."

St:"I love you too." *Hugs him*

Iz: *water breaks* "Oh? It's wet now- *screams* IT HURTS ALOT MORE!!!!!"

St:"Its ok! It'll end soon!!" He hugged him tighter.

Iz: *Contraction ends* "My crotch is all wet sho. Why?" His eyes teared up

Nurse: *Comes in* "Sir I am here to check on you is there any questions?"

Iz:"My crotch is wet & now they hurt way more." He look at her with teary eyes

Nurse:"Your water must have broken! I will go get the doctor!" *runs to get doctor*

St:"Everything is going to be ok. I... I think it's time, we will get to see our angles."

Iz:*tear rolled down his face* "I cant wait." *he smiled*

Nurse: *comes back in* "Sir its time! Are you ready to go back to the c-section?"

Iz:"Yes... can my childrens dad come with?"

Nurse:"Yes but he needs to get a pair of scrub on."


They all head out of the room & shoto got into a pair of scrubs. Once they were all ready they headed back into the operating room where Izuku was given the meds to numb his abdomen so they could get started. After 15 minutes they had gotten the first baby out.

Doc:"Time of birth 2:45pm, Gender Female, weight 5 pounds & 12 ounces!"

After 3 minute they got the second baby

Doc:"Time if birth 2:48pm, gender Male, weight 6 pounds & 4 ounces!"

After another 2 minutes they got the last one

Doc:"Time of birth 2:50pm, gender Female, weight 5 pounds & 7 ounces!"

Once each were out both Shoto & Izuku heard them crying & were overwhelmed with joy. It took a few minutes to get Izuku stitched up, while that was going on the babies were cleaned & dressed. After Izuku was finished he was sent to the recovery room to sleep & heal. Shoto followed him into the room. They both feel asleep holding hands.

They both took a 3 hour nap & once they woke up they got to see their children. They were all perfectly healthy & developed. The first they saw was the oldest Ibuki one of their daughters, she had light green hair & a cute smile spread across her face.

St:"She looks alot like you Izu."

Iz:"Ya... she does. Can I hold her?"

Nurse:"Of course you can!" *gets Ibuki & hands her to Izuku*

St:"She is perfect..." *starts to tear up*

Iz:"She is ours..." *starts to tear up*

Nurse:"Would you like to go see your 2 other children?"

Iz:"Yes." *hands back Ibuki*

Nurse:*puts her back in crib* "ok let's go."

They go & hold their 2 other children the boy named tenshi & the other girl Aito. Once they were done Izuku was taken back to his room to eat. He has his kids in his room, they gave them bottles. Sho had the girls & Izuku had the Tenshi. Once everyone was finished they all laid down & went to sleep.

Ok so these are just always getting longer so I hope you injoy this. I'm going to do alot more chapters so dont worry about this ending soon. THANK YOU SO SO MUCH FOR 240+ READS!!! I'm going to get started on the next chapter bye!bye- bisexual queen OUT!

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