Meeting the rest of the family

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*3rd pov*

Both shoto & Izuku wake up to Aito & Ibuki crying. Shoto gets up and grabs them. Izuku rocks Aito while sho changes & feeds Ibuki. They traded so shoto could change Aito & feed her while Izuku rocked Ibuki. After 20 minutes both the girls go back to sleep & shoto puts them back in their cribs. It was 1am so Izuku was already back asleep. Shoto was climbing into bed but Tenshi started crying. He climbed out & got Tenshi & changed him fed him & rocked him. 10 minutes later he was asleep, shoto put him in his crib & went to bed.

This happened another time at 5am & they did the same things, & got their breakfast. Shoto went out & got them some oatmeal with fresh fruit and juice. After they ate Shoto took a shower & got changed. Izuku wanted to watch a movie so shoto got one & put it on, he got in bed to cuddle with Izuku. They watched a few movies untill the triplets woke up for awhile so they held & cuddle all 3 of them while they continued watching movies.

*at 1pm*

Around 1pm family & friends started to visit. The first person to see the triplets was Inko, like Izuku she was crying.

Ik:"T-Their perfect!" She sniffled

Iz:"It was worth the wait!" He smiled

Ik:"What did you guys name them?"

St:"The girl with the gray and green eyes Ibuki, the girl with the grey eyes Aito,& the boy Tenshi."

Ik:"Such pretty names. When is shoto's siblings going to visit?"

Iz:"They are going to visit around 2pm."

Ik:"Oh ok."

They sit and talk while caring for the triplets until shotos siblings come in the room.

Fy :"Good afternoon, Natsuo had classes so we waited so we both could come & see the triplets."

Iz:"Hi fuyume! Its alright. It's about time they eat. You want to help?"

Fy:"OMG YES!!!" He tail starts wagging

St:"Fuyume your tail?" He said trying not to laugh

Fy: *grabs tail* "Why do u have to be so mean shoto..." she was bright red

Nt:"Its ok sis! & we loved to help."

Shoto made them bottles while Izuku swaddled & had everyone hold them. Inko had Aito, Fuyume had Ibuki, & Natsuo had Tenshi. Everyone was content & quite. Izuku & Shoto were proud & Izuku laid on shotos shoulder & smiled. The triplets finished their bottles & were burped. Everyone was happy holding them while they slept. They all talked while they slept everyonce & awhile changing & feeding them.

They all talked until visiting hours were over (8pm), Izuku & Shoto put them in their cribs, & Izuku got into bed & watched tv while sho got dinner. He went out & got ramen with eggs & beef. They both sat down eating while watching some more movies. Once they were done they fed the triplets for the first time in the night, then went to bed. They slept for 3 hours each time they had to get up to feed until 8am.

Today was the day were the triplets had a few check ups to make sure that everything was going ok with then. Making sure they were gaining weight, getting sleep and growing. They even found out that the girls when they were in the womb shared a sack making them almost identical twins. The only thing different were their eyes. "Ok so their healthy?" Izuku asked. "Absolutely! They are perfectly fine, & once Izuku gets check you guys can leave." She said. "Ok. thanks!" They both said.

*later that day*

Doc:"Hello Izuku Midoriya. I'm going to check and make sure your good to go."


They do some test like making sure he can get up & walk. & all different kinds of test to make sure he was ok.
Once they were done they were discharged & went home.

Ok so I'm going to end it here. If you saw I've been writing another story. I'm going to take a break from this story & work on my other one since I have lots if ideas for it & I'm thinking on this one. I'm going to go bye!- Bisexual queen out

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