1 Chapter

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Why? Why is it always me? What did I ever do to them? Why do they always  beat and hate me? For the thing I can't control. Because of the Kyuubi aka Kurama?
He's the nicest person in the world and a Father figure for me.
My real Father, the Hokage hates and despise me, my mother and Siblings, too. They treat me like I'm a plague, that I'm not human, that I'm a monster who killed so many people when the Kyuubi no Kitsune attacked the Village three years ago.
When I come home my mother always asked me why I'm late and beaten. But when I say that the Villagers hit and abused me, she always slaps me and says that I'm telling lies and sends me to my room without Food. My father ignores me and my sister laugh at me.

Only my brother Menma treats me like a real person. He always brings me food when Mom isn't looking . But they say that he should stay away from me and that I'm a monster who isn't human.

Other people who see's me as a person are Itachi-nii, Kakashi-nii, Baa-chan and Jiraiya-sensei, Orochi-ojii, the people at the Ichiraku's stand and the whole Uchiha-Clan. But why are the others so mean to me, Why must they abuse and hit me? Why?"

It all started when Kushina found out that she was pregnant, she always wanted kids.

But why does she hate Naruto so much, because she isn't the person all the others believes she is.
She is Evil and the only thing she wants is power.
That's why she is creating a seal, which controls Minato, who doesn't even love her. The seal controls Minato, so that he hates, abuse and hit the child who is going to be the next Kyuubi container, but Minato isn't stupid.

He thinks that Kushina really loves him, but Kushina cannot speak quietly. So when the day of the birth was here, the Kyuubi Attack happend and Minato was forced to seal the Kyuubi in one of his children, he chooses Naruto, because he saw faith in him. But when he began to seal the Kyuubi, the Sandaime Hokage came and stops him.

„Minato, you have three children, you're too young to die. Let me do the sealing, I lived my life and now my time has come."

„Naruto you're going to be a great shinobi, I have faith in you. You are the child of prophecy."

„But Hiruzen the village needs you, I need you!"

„ It doesn't matter Minato, I'm old I can die. Have faith in Naruto. He's going to be a great Shinobi and the next Jinchuriki of the Kyuubi. Goodbye Minato."

That were his last words, as the Shinigami appeared and ripped Hiruzen's soul out of his body and sealed the Kyuubi inside of Naruto. Minato blacked out knowing that Naruto would have a harsh life because of the Kyuubi attack and the kyuubi himself.
When Minato woke up the next day, he heard his wife talking about the seal.
„With this seal I have full control of Minato and the Twins. He will not love Naruto, he's a Monster who deserves to die. I will separate Minato and my children from that monster. By the way I never loved Minato. He's so foolish, He believes that I love him. I only have to complete the seal so that I have the full power of the Namikaze Clan." (laughs evil).

Minato couldn't believe what he just heard. Kushina doesn't love him, she wants to control him only because of his power and she wants to separate him from his son Naruto. Minato started to cry and he really wants to leave his wife with his son Naruto.

„Why Kushina? Why are you doing this? I thought you loved me. But you didn't, you only love the power and the money my Clan have. You're not going to abuse my child. Naruto I promise, we will leave this goddamn village this night. I don't care what they think. I will protect you no matter what."

But before he could think more his wife called „Minato dear, breakfast is ready."
He answered „ I'm coming Kushina."

The whole day Minato thought about escaping with his son Naruto. But soon he had to find out, that he must leave the village without his son. He would only leave a Blood-Clone behind, to help his son. But he didn't know that Kushina competed the seal and soon she wants to give hin this seal when he was sleeping.
At the afternoon when Kushina was asleep, he packed all his things and sees his son for the last time. He didn't knew when he was able to see Naruto again. So Minato went to see his son the last time.

„Naruto, you're my only family I have now. Your brother and sister will probably hate you, because of Kushina. I wish, I could take you with me, but I can't. She will find out, that I'm not here and she will notice if you're missing and ask my Blood-Clone questions about you. And then she will find out that we're long gone. Kushina won't believe that I killed you and she will search for us and when she finds us she will kill you. I really love you, son. But I have to leave now. I promise I will visit you when I can and someday I will take you with me when you're old enough. Goodbye Naru. Daddy loves you."
At this point Minato was crying  quietly not to wake up his former Ex-wife. Minato leaves the Village, only leaving a Blood-Clone behind. None of the Anbu knew or noticed, that their Hokage left the village, his home and his son.

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