11 Chapter

552 13 2

Timeskip (Naruto 3 years old)

Naruto POV:

Today is my and my siblings' birthday, but Minato and Kushina only care about their spoiled Brats Mito and Menma. I don't know why they hate or avoid me. Shouldn't a Mom and Dad take care of all of their children and not neglect one and only take care of the ones they favor. The villagers only spoil my siblings to the point it is ridiculous. They give them everything they could wish for. And me. They treat me like the last piece of shit. A monster. A murderer. A demon. Not worth living. A person who killed thousands of lives. That's what I am for them. Only because the masked man attacked Konoha that night. The third Hokage saved the village, even if they're not worth saving. By sealing the Kyuubi inside me. The whole village and my parents consider my siblings as heroes, and me. Forgotten. Neglect. Unloved. Abused. Beaten and Starved. They hold no love for me in their heart. I know that they will disown me as the clan heir soon. Finally giving the titles to their spoiled children and letting finally me go. When that happens, I can leave this pathetic excuse of a village. I get my Freedom back.

Oh, Look. They locked me out of the estate again. I wonder why. So, that I don't interrupt the supposed children of prophecy's party. They can have these stupid titles of the Namikaze and Uzumaki Clan. Their ancestors would be ashamed. They wouldn't even spare a glance at them.

Looking into the window, seeing a happy-looking family. Proud-looking parents and excited children waiting to open their presents. Sliding down the cold wall and wishing that they would look at him with the same love in their eyes as to how they treat and look at his siblings. Just only one time. Not seeing the mob of angry villagers coming to him.

And the villagers. The villagers, who are ready to end what they started. Yes, tonight the Kyuubi Brat will die. This is the night they will have peace again in their village. No more fear. No more sleepless nights. They are ready and marching down to the Hokage's house to get the child. They think they would do the children of prophecy a favor by killing their demon brother. A birthday present.

Snapping back to reality and seeing them being too close. It is too late now for him to flee. The sannin were forced to attend the party and can't help him in any way. the only way for him to come out of this situation alive is to take his legs and run as fast as he could. Away. Away from this village. Away from the villagers and his parents. Away from his caretakers. Away from the abuse and everything that makes him suffer. Away and being free. This night Naruto swore to himself that he will never let anyone take away his freedom.

But, oh boy was he wrong. He ran from the angry villagers, trying to save his life. Running around the village's streets and paths. Turning rightways and.

A dead end.

Turning around and seeing the villagers already behind him. Ready to finally end his life. Grinning like mad men. Holding their deadly weapons. Kunais, broken bottles, swords, and other stuff. Grabbing his small body harshly. Pinning him against the wall with Kunais. A lot of blood comes out of the wounds where they stabbed him. Starting to cut him. Breaking his bones. Bruising his body. Yelling insults at him. Carving all kinds of names in his skin. Like Demon, Monster, Whore....

A normal person could never take that kind of torture. But for Naruto, it was a routine. Stuff like this happens every day to him. He is used to it now. He wouldn't say a word. He wouldn't let himself cry. He would take this pain and torture. He would not give in. Not how many times they wanted to see him cry and beg them to stop it all. He will never show his weak side to such disgusting mortals. He will never let them break him. He wouldn't allow it.

No words. No tears were shed this night. He would stay strong. At least that's what he told himself. And after that, he would leave. Leave this village for good and not planing on ever returning to it. The village and its people can rot in hell.

But then, some of the villagers thought it would be a good idea to go even further.

"Shouldn't we teach that monster a lesson for living for free in our village even after he killed thousands of lives?" (Villager 1)

"Yes we should, i don't understand why our Hokage is allowing that thing to live. It should have died back then. It should have never been born!" (Villager 2)

"Do you guys think the same thing as I do?" (Villager 3)

Their evil laugh rang in his ears. They came closer. And Closer. Closer to him. Not knowing what he could do against them. Grabbing his arm.

"Let's have some fun with that boy." (Villager 4)

Grabbing his torn clothes and starting to strip him. Naruto can't really do much against them. He is too injured to free and defend himself, the men on the other hand were too strong and would do anything to abuse him even further. Not noticing the person hiding in the shadows. Minato was watching in horror what the villagers are doing to his 3 years old son. Holding back his tears. Wanting nothing more than to protect his son from this disgusting men and from anything bad. So Kushina successful with the seal. Coming to the conclusion that the way how the villager treat his son, that Kushina placed the seal on his blood clone soon after he left. He swore to himself that he will come back and take his son with him. But even now he is going to help him. Using on of his spells and changing his appearance.

Appearing right in front of them.

"What in the world are you guys doing to this child?!! Aren't you ashamed of yourself? To rape a fucking three years old. You will pay for this.! All of you! You disgusting pieces of shit! You're not even worth looking at!" (Minato)

Taking his white katana with golden ornaments and a blood red blade. Slashing all of them merciless. Not hearing their cries and pleases. Not caring about their worthless life. They don't deserve anything not even their life after all the cruel, brutal and inhuman things they did to his three years old son. Looking at the dead and unrecognisable bodies around him. Turning to his severe injured son. Looking at him with shocked eyes. Coming back to his senses and quickly walking to him. Picking him up and checking him for injuries. Using his power and healing him completely. Seeing the surprised face of his son, when he saw the golden light passed through his small body. And looking right back to his father, who looked at him with so much love in his eyes. Brushing his hand through his sons soft golden locks.

Naruto didn't know why out of all the sudden his father is acting so lovingly towards him, yet alone heal his injuries and defend him from the villagers attacks. But he couldn't complain. Having his fathers love and attention just for once is all he ever asked for. Leaning in his touch, which didn't go unnoticed by his father.

Knowing that his son his treated horribly at this village and home so he would give his son as much love and attention as he can give in the short time he stays in the village. Unknowing to everyone that the Hokage is just a blood clone.

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