8 Chapter

923 21 1

(Naruto 1 year old)
Kushina placed the seal on Minato's Blood-Clone and so we finally come to Naruto's part of the story.
„Minato, look how cute my twins are!"
„They're lovely honey."
But as she sees Their oldest son Naruto her look turned into disgust.
„What do you want? Minato, why don't we take it to the orphanage?"
„But Kushina we have to look after the Kyuubi. He will hurt  or even kill them there."
„You're right. But he isn't allowed to go near my children.!"
„Let's take our children to the park. This monster deserves to die. You should be thankful that we don't throw you out! And now get out of my eyes!" Kushina yelled at Naruto.
Naruto started crying and runs away.
He walks crying around the village only to be spottet by Itachi.

„Naruto, why are you here? Shouldn't you be at home with your family?"
„They don't want me. They say that I deserve to die and that I'm a monster." Naruto cries.
Itachi hugged the one year old boy in front of him. Naruto cried in his chest and he took the boy to the Uchiha - Clan compound.
„Welcome home Itachi. Dinner is ready. Itachi who is that?"
„That's Naruto Kaa-san. He's the hokage's oldest child. He said that his parents doesn't want him and  they said that he deserves to die."
„His parents are the Hokage and Kushina. I always knew that she isn't the person the others believe she is. Let's eat. I'm sure your hungry."
„Sasuke, Fuga-kun! Dinner is ready!"
„Mikoto, who is that?"
„That's Naruto. Sasuke say hi to Naruto."
„Kaa-san, why does he have whiskers on his cheeks?"
„Sasuke, you shouldn't ask such questions!"
Sasuke reached out and as soon as he touches them, Naruto started to purr.
„Cute" was the only thing Sasuke could say.
He even blushed a little.
„Kawaiiii" Mikoto squealed. She squeezed her cheeks on his and screamed:
„You're so cute. I'm gonna keep you!!"
„Kaa-san! You squeeze him to death!"
„Let's eat."

After Naruto had dinner with the Uchihas, Itachi brought him back to the Namikaze estate. He knocked at the door and Kushina opened it.
„Ah, Itachi what can i do for you?"
„I just wanted to bring your son back."
„But my son was with me all the time."
„I mean your oldest son, Naruto."
„Just let it in."
„It, he is your son. You should treat him better or I will take him with me so he can live with my family. You say you're the perfect family. But you're not. What would the sannin or you aunt say when they could see how you treat your oldest son. Goodbye Kushina!"
Itachi responded, clearly pissed.
Kushina just smiled and shut the door.
„Who do you think you are! Brainwashing the Uchiha. You will get no food for a month and don't go near my children, you monster!"
Kushina kicked Naruto out of the house and locked the door. So he couldn't get in. Naruto was alone again. He walked around the village, but he didn't notice the mob of angry villagers behind him.
„There's the monster!"
„Get him!"
Naruto noticed them and he started to run away.
„Get the demon!"
„Don't let it escape!"
„Let's kill him!"
Naruto ran into a street only to notice that it was an dark alley with a dead end. Now it was too late for him to escape. The villagers surrounded him. They started to beat and kick him.
„You damn monster you killed my wife!"
„You don't deserve to life!"
Naruto started crying. „I didn't do anything! I didn't killed someone! Please stop!"
„Did you stop as our loved ones died?"
They pinned him on the wall with kunais and started to cut him all over his body. You can hear his screams all over the village, but nobody cared.
They beat him even more when he begged them to stop.
„Why don't we have some fun?"
All of them laughed as they ripped his clothes of his beaten, burned and bruised body.
„No! Stop it! Please!"
„Shut up! Nobody cares about you anyways!"
They took of their pants, but before they could do anything. They heard someone.
What the hell are you doing to my godson!"
They turned around to see the three sannin. Jiraiya, Tsunade and Orochimaru.
„I will murder all of you!"
They started to kill the villagers without mercy. Tsunade picked Naruto up carefully not to hurt him even more. She look at the unconscious boy.
„It's okay Naruto. We're here now. Nobody is gonna hurt you."
The three sannin went to the house they stay in. Tsunade healed all of Naruto's wounds and bathed him after that. Orochimaru cooked Naruto's favorite food. The boy loved to eat dango and Ramen.
„How is he?"
„He's asleep right now."
„I will kill the Hokage!"
„I bet Kushina only wanted us to come back to teach her child Mito. They think she is the child of prophecy. But she isn't,"
They heard a knock on the door.
„If you speak of the devil!"
They opened the door with fake smiles on their face.
„Kushina what do you want?"
„I heard you were here so why don't you want to see my children?"
„Why do we want to see your children? When you treat your oldest son like trash. We're not gonna train your brats. So Goodbye!"
They slammed the door and left a shocked Kushina in front of their house.

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