3 Chapter

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(A few hours later)
The Senseis arrived at Nightime

I wonder why Asano wanted us to come here."
„Me too Hayato."
„Didn't he say that we get a new student."
„That's right Isamu."
„I can't wait to teach him my Genjustus."
„I'm not so sure if he wants to see them, Sasaki."
„Shut up, Haru."
„I hope he likes Seals."
„Typical Haru."
„Be quiet everybody, you're getting on my nerves!"
„You're just angry because you have to wake up and to leave Arata. Anyway Akiyoshi you're going to teach him Iryo Ninjutsu (medical Ninjustu)."
„That's right Hayato, look Hiruma is waiting for us."
„Hey Hiruma. Why are we here?"
„It's nice to see you, too Akiyoshi. You're here because we're getting a new student. Who Asano found in the woods. And I think Akihiko is the perfect Father figure for him." Hiruma smiles happily.
„Why?" all of them asked.
„See yourself."

All of them got in the tent only to see a sleeping Akihiko with Minato on the Top of him snuggling in his chest.

Oh my God."
„I didn't expected that!"
„I think it's cute."
„You show emotions, Akiyoshi!"
„Not so loud, you wake them up."
„I took a picture."

Too Late. They woke Minato up.

Minato woke up, half asleep, but before he could understand What's going on. Till he realizes all of them tried not to laugh.
Then, when he looked down, he sees Akihiko's bare chest. Minato blushes a deep shade of red. He tries to free himself from Akihiko's grip, but he had other plans. Akihiko pulls Minato back to his chest and hugs him tightly. This sight amuses the other men in the tent. All if them tried not to laugh. As they got out of the Tent, they saw Asano.
„Ok bow you can laugh."
They all burst out laughing which resulted that Akihiko woke up. He sighed and placed Minato from his chest on the bed. The others didn't notice that Akihiko was awake and standing behind them half naked. All of them blushed at the sight of their General's eight pack.

„Wow Akihiko, I didn't expected that you get along with some guy." Isamu said.
„I told you he's the perfect father figure for him. I mean, how he hold him in his sleep like Minato is a small child." Hiruma responded amused.
„He is  young and I think he needs a father." Akihiko answered slightly pissed of.
„I think it's cute."
( Minato only knew Akihiko for hours, but he really sees a father figure in him)

You can hear Minato calling Akihiko in his sleep. All of them except Asano tried not to laugh. A half asleep Minato walked out of the tent and hugged Akihiko tightly.
„Who are they tou-san?"
„These are your new Senseis, Minato. They're a bunch of idiots except Asano, but they will teach you everything they knew. Won't they?"
„We will!?!"
You can see, they're scared of the pissed of General in front of them.
„Let's get you a Clan Kimono Minato. And you all should stop stalking people in their sleep!"

After 1 Hour

Minato was dressed in a typical and started his Training with Hiruma in History of all the Clans, which existed in this world. The first to years Minato will learn everything about them. Including War Techniques, games like Shogi and Tactics for Missions.
„Minato, when you don't look exactly , you will never win."
„Sensei, I think there only a few people who can beat you."
„That's right, none of the mortals in your old world could beat me."
„The people in my old Village only cared about themselves, power and money."
„I can't wait to see your son."
„Hai, I want to see him as soon as possible. But when I finished Training, he's probably to old and doesn't want me."
„Minato, time here goes faster than in your world. 1 hour their world is 6 years in our world. When you finished Training he's still a baby."
„I didn't know that Sensei, but I think there is more left for you to teach me."
„You're right Minato and now you lost again." He laughs
„Damn you Sensei. How should I beat you when you all the ways how to play Shogi."
„That's why I'm your Sensei."

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