Intro: Volunteering

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When God had called the assembly, you'd felt a deep, purposeful sensation in your soul.

It was similar to the sensation you'd felt when you first entered Heaven, only a short time ago, and were met with His full presence for the first time. It had your heart racing and, had you still been alive, you might have mistaken it for dread, as you'd always been very anxious in life. However, this was Heaven, and therefore there could be no dread. No, what you felt had to have been excitement.

Now, this wasn't the first time you'd attended an assembly since you'd arrived; God held several assemblies daily (at least, you thought it was daily; to be honest, the passage of time was nearly impossible to follow here in Heaven). This one just felt like a particularly important assembly, though you couldn't explain just how you knew. The feeling had you twitching, and as you took your place among the other angels, you couldn't shake the feeling that a Plan was about to be launched.

The sensation came back stronger when it was announced that the Princess of Hell was starting a project to rehabilitate sinners.

//What a wonderful idea!//  You were nearly inexplicably happy to hear the news. It was the first you'd heard that Hell had a princess; or anything about Hell, really. Still, you were a sucker for redemption stories, and you had to admit that giving folks a second chance was absolutely God's style. You immediately wanted to know more about this "Happy Hotel" and why the citizens of Heaven were being informed of it. 

You had an idea (a Hope) of what the answer might be though. You leaned forward attentively in anticipation.

"I have decided to send one of our own to assist her in her efforts," God announced, and the sensation returned, stronger than ever.

The crowd around you burst into chatter while the sensation burned inside your chest. As the angels around you deliberated, the feeling became overwhelming until you knew exactly what it was—

"I'll go!" You called.

There was a split second of silence before pandemonium broke out amongst the other angels. It quickly became quite clear that the vast majority of them were against the idea. You were too young, and a mortal soul on top of that. The job should be given to an exterminator who could defend themselves from the hostile demons living in Hell. Surely a mortal soul like you would either be ripped apart, or become tainted and lost to the corrupt realm.

Several of the older archangels, however, simply sat in silence, looking resigned. No one else was stepping forward.

"Quiet!" God held up a hand to silence the bickering, "The exterminators do not know how to be gentle with a demon. One could not possibly approach a sinner with the mercy necessary to get the job done." With a knowing smile, he turned to you.

 "I believe that a mortal soul who both knows the hardships of the living world and has seen Grace is precisely what miss Morningstar needs."

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