Welcome to Hell Ver. 1: Getting hit by a Limo

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A/N: for those of you who want to get right into the nitty-gritty already and meet the canon characters, this is for you.


One of the many very nice things about Heaven is that you are freed from all physical and emotional burdens that held you back in life.

In your particular case, for example, this meant that upon your death and ascension to Heaven, you were no longer plagued by the fears and debilitating anxiety that often stopped you from pursuing your life's Purpose and doing things you might have otherwise enjoyed.  In fact, these burdens had kept you from doing so much when you were alive that you were quite honestly surprised that you made it into Heaven at all.

In Heaven, though, there was no fear.  Only boldness, and resolve.

You still feel that resolve, it's definitely still there, but it's a tiny bit undermined by the fact that now that you're no longer in Heaven, you're once again susceptible to fear.

That and the curse of poor timing, because it is at the same moment that you so brilliantly decide to allow yourself to freefall into Hell to avoid arousing suspicion in the demons living there that your lifelong fear of heights returns to you.

Panic grips you as you plummet from the red sky to the equally red city below.  

//Red, red, RED.//  Everything is red.  You're going to be red soon; a red smear on the pavement of Hell's capitol city.  What were you thinking?  //Why in Heaven's good name did you think it was a good idea to take a swan dive into Hell?//  You should have just found a more secluded place to land, or come earlier, when all the demons would have still been in hiding or preoccupied with the exorcists so you wouldn't be seen!  Instead, you're going to crash into the cement below and be in the most pain you've ever been in since you died.

//I'm already dead, I can't die again.  I'm already dead, I can't die again!  I'm already dead, I can't die again!!//  You repeat it over and over to yourself like a mantra as the ground rapidly rises up to meet you.  //Oh, God please forgive me, I really don't think—//

You hit the ground, hard, knocking the breath and thought process out of you, and just narrowly missing the hood of a moving vehicle.

A moving vehicle that is, in fact, traveling on a path that intersects with your landing position, and does not have time to slow down before running you over.

You screech as the front bumper collides with your body and you're sent tumbling under several sets of tires, before falling limply in a heap as the rear bumper passes over you.  Pain courses through your whole body and a red haze clouds your vision.  Your back feels wet and sticky.

The car screeches to a halt and one of the doors flies open.

"Oh my God!" A tall, feminine figure rushes out of the vehicle to your side, "Oh my God, I'm so sorry!  Are you okay?!"

You squint blearily at the pale figure swimming in your vision, their words barely registering in your mind.  "Don't... t...ake... Name... ..." you mumble.

"Oh, God!" You make out the outline of a rosy-cheeked blonde girl leaning over you.  She turna her face to shout to the car, "Vaggie!"

"I'm here," another feminine voice responda, "Ay, Dios mío!  What are gonna do, Charlie?  The interview is in twenty minutes!"

//Charlie?//  You fight to focus on the blonde figure as the two converse.  //Charlie?  Like...?//  The Lord's voice cuta into your thoughts as a grey-skinned girl joins her in your recovering vision:

//Charlotte Morningstar is the one you're looking for.  She prefers to be called Charlie.//

Painfully, you reach out to the paler of the two girls.  

"Char... Mor...star...?" you rasp.

The two girls turn and stare at you in shock.  Charlie disappears from your vision and you feel yourself being lifted from under your arms.

"We'll take them with us.  Help me carry them?"

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