A Problem

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warning for mild ableist language


"Hmm... So how's this sound? 'Are you lost and confused?  Salvation awaits at the Hazbin Hotel!'"

"Eh, you're gettin' there, I guess..."

You sigh, setting your notepad down.  "It's still not quite right...!" you mutter, taking a moment to glance over at Angel Dust, who you've been asking for input on your sales pitch for the Hotel.

"Why not take a break, babes?" Angel suggests, "Relax!  You've been workin' nonstop since you got here!"

You give another sigh, stretching out your stiff and weary back, "I know, I know...  It just doesn't feel right to rest until I've made progress!"

"You've been workin' on this for, like, two hours!" Angel insists, before pausing.  "Do... do you not know how to relax?"

"Not really," you admit.  It wasn't something that came easily to you, at least, not when you were alive.  In Heaven was a different story, but you aren't in Heaven right now.

"Sheesh!" Angel exclaims, before putting on a flirtatious tone, "I can help ya out with that, but it'll cost ya."

"No thank you," you reply.  "... Ooh! How about 'Weary sinners, rejoice!  Salvation is here!'"

Angel gives you a long-suffering look.  "Why'd ya take over from Smiles, again?"

"Because Alastor's videography is terrible!" you answer, squinting at your outline notes, "He doesn't even hold the camera at a decent angle!"

There's a pause.

"Ya know, if you're filming a commercial, ya could take advantage of the celebrity talent you've got here," Angel suggests, putting on a sultry tone.

You blink at him, "Are you offering to act in the advertisement?"

"Well, yeah!" he says, sounding almost exasperated.  "I mean, come on!  I'm right here!"

It's at this moment that Vaggie walks into the room.

"Angel, you're a porn star," she deadpans.

"A famous porn star," Angel corrects.  He grins, shifting suggestively in his seat, "I can have the horniest sinners knocking these walls down to–!"

"We are not filming a porno to promote the hotel," Vaggie states firmly.

"Definitely not," you agree, "But...!  If Angel wants to act in something that's not porn, I don't have any objections."

For a split second,  Angel seems to light up, though he immediately covers it up with a cool persona.  "I can do that," he purrs, examining his nails, though they're covered by his gloves.

"Great!" you exclaim, "How much is your fee?"

"My what now?"  He gives you a blank stare.

"Well, obviously, I'm gonna have to pay you if you're doing work for me!" you tell him.

"Ah, right.  Of course."

You're just beginning to discuss the spider demon's fees when Charlie returns.  She looks troubled, even panicked, white as a sheet with wide eyes.

"Charlie?" you ask.

Vaggie immediately goes to her girlfriend's side, "What's the matter, Hun?!"

Charlie blinks slowly, then answers with a small voice, "They moved the extermination up six months."

An Angel in Demon's Clothing (Hazbin Hotel x Angel! Reader Series)Where stories live. Discover now