Angels of Different Plumage

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A/N:  This chapter follows the Hit by a Limo timeline, but as I mentioned in the description, there will be a point in this story where continuity no longer matters.  That point may or may not come up fairly soon, so just a heads up.  Thanks for reading!


Things are fuzzy for a while.  You're lifted into the spacious interior of the vehicle that ran you over and laid out on a seat while two voices speak indistinctively to each other.  You feel a hand on your head and Charlie says something that you can't quite catch.  You hurt all over, and you're sure your limbs must have been horribly mangled with how terrible the pain was.

The vehicle starts moving, and you wince while a wave of dizzying pain hits you.  The gray-skinned girl, Vaggie, gestures to you and speaks in a concerned tone.  Charlie raises a placating hand and speaks softly.  At some point, you must have passed out because you can't remember much about the rest of the ride aside from the two girls' voices.

When you come to, you find yourself laid on the seat of a limousine under the watchful eye of what appears to be a miniature Jersey Devil in a tuxedo.  

You sit up with some difficulty and look around.  The girls are gone.  When you ask the little devil about them, he merely gestures out the window with a little hoof-like hand.  

Upon looking out, you find that the limo is parked outside a tall building, a news station, judging by the large sign near the top.  You turn back around to face the goat-like demon.  "They're in that building?"  

The little devil nods.

You vaguely recall Vaggie mentioning an interview, that must be what they're doing now.  "How long has it been?  Do you know when they'll be back?" you ask.

He only shrugs in response.

//That's helpful.//

You try to stand, but there's a pang in your head, followed by a wave of dizziness and you fall back into the seat.  Your joints ache.  You groan.  "I'm just gonna have to wait, huh?"

The little Jersey Devil smiles sympathetically and offers you a juice box, which you take, before turning and rummaging around under some of the other seats.  With a squeal of triumph, he returns holding up a small remote.  

"What's that?" you ask, tearing the wrapper off the straw and inserting it into the box after a few failed tries.

The little creature pushes a button, and a tiny television slides down from the ceiling.  He flips the channel to the news station, where Charlie is singing about her hotel.  You shoot upright, ignoring the protesting shock of pain in your back and glue your eyes to the screen.

She sings and dances, and the tune is catchy, and while the message doesn't seem to be very well received by the other demons present, you do learn that her hotel already has a patron.  You snicker when you learn his name.  //Of course the demon named Angel would be involved in the porn industry.//

But everything goes downhill from there.

It seems Angel has gotten involved in a violent turf war between two mid-level demons.

"Well, it sure looks like your little project is dead on arrival," one of the reporters announces, looming over the princess.  "Tell us, how does it feel to be a total failure?"  You frown as the woman cackles obnoxiously on camera.  

//Well, that isn't true!//

Charlie looks to be at a loss for words.  "Yeah, well..." she swipes a pen off the desk they're all sitting behind, "How does it feel that I got your pen, huh?!  Bitch!"   You choke on your juice.

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