Late to the Party (But Just in Time for the Food)

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A/N: This chapter (sort-of) follows the "Not-so-Warm Welcome" continuity.

You have to wait a moment after you've knocked on the hotel's large double-doors before one of them opens.  When it does, you're faced with a gray-skinned moth demoness with a missing eye.  She looks at you with a cautious frown.

"Hello?" she asks.

You smile, "Hi!  I was told that this was the hotel-slash-rehabilitation center the princess was setting up?"

The moth demoness raises an eyebrow, "Yes, this is the Happy Hotel."  

"Perfect!" you proclaim, before introducing yourself.  "I would have come sooner, but I got lost on the way here!"

She looks you up and down, and, after a moment, opens the door wider to let you in, "My name is Vaggie, and I'm the manager.  We're actually still setting up for business, so please excuse the mess," she says, still frowning.

"Oh!  That's quite alright!" you tell her, stepping in and taking a look around the lobby, "I was actually hoping to help with that, if that's alright."

Vaggie blinks.  "You want to help?"

You nod, "Yes!  It's a great cause, and I've been really itching to do some good.  This seemed like the perfect opportunity!"

Vaggie gives you a skeptical glance, before a pale, rosy-cheeked, blonde demoness who's helping move furniture while a tiny little cyclops-like demoness in a poodle skirt cleans the lobby notices the two of you.  She rushes over, a wide, bright smile on her face.

"Oh, hello!" she shouts, starry-eyed and hopeful, "Welcome to the Happy Hotel!"  She takes your right hand in both of hers, enthusiasm and positivity radiating off of her, "I'm Charlie!" she looks between you and Vaggie, "And it looks like you've already met Vaggie?"

So this is Charlie Morningstar, the princess you've come to help.  She certainly is lively.  You like her already, though you pretty much already knew you would.

You nod, "It's good to meet you, princess," you say.

She lets go of your hand.  "Please, just call me Charlie!" she tells you.  "So, are you checking in?"

You smile, "You could say that," you answer, "I actually wanted to volunteer some work and knowledge to your project." 

Vaggie frowns and raises a dubious eyebrow, but Charlie looks interested, "Knowledge?" she asks.

"Yep!" you respond, "I have some experience and knowledge on the subject of rehabilitation."

"Do you, now?" Vaggie is reasonably skeptical. 

 "Oh, yes!" you nod, smiling, "I used to be a wildlife rehabilitator, and while that's obviously very different from rehabilitating the behavior of people, the concepts are quite similar!"

You look around the hotel lobby.  The walls are lined with portraits of Charlie and her family, along with a few other demons.  Aside from these portraits, the interior décor of the hotel seems a bit grotesque; appropriate for a building in Hell, but strange to see in an establishment meant to get its patrons into Heaven.

You're about to ask about it when a masculine, radio static-laced voice shouts from another room:

"—AND THE JAMBALAYA IS READY!  COME GET IT WHILE IT'S HOT!  Though do be careful, it's got quite the kick!"

"OOH!" the tiny cyclops demon flits out of the lobby into the dining hall in excitement.

"...What an energetic little... person...?" you observe, watching her leave.

An Angel in Demon's Clothing (Hazbin Hotel x Angel! Reader Series)Where stories live. Discover now