Chapter 3: Diagonally

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"So a house elf was stealing all your mail?" Ron asked after Harry had told us what happened.

"Seems a bit fishy to me, I mean why would he want to stop you from returning to Hogwarts?" (Y/n) added "and who is he working for?"

"Shaddup back there!" Fred called "it's dark and I'm starting to get tired"

"I can take ov-" (Y/n) started "NO!" Shouted Fred, Ron and George, causing Harry to burst into laughter and the four of them laughed as (Y/n) pouted in his seat.

They landed in the yard of the Burrow and the five of them quietly sneaked back into the house, only to find Mrs. Weasley was waiting for them in the kitchen.

"Where have you been!" She thundered "oh hello Harry how have you been?" She asked him sweetly "Beds empty, car gone, no note, at least not from any of my children." The Weasley boys looked at (Y/n) in disgust

"What I didn't want her to worry" (Y/n) replied quietly.

"It was very thoughtful (Y/n), I'm glad one of you has some common sense." She commended him.

"Mum you didn't see how they were treating him. The put bars on his window!" Ron said trying to defend himself.

Mrs. Weasley sighed at this "I'll be talking to your father about this when gets home." She turned to Harry and her face brightened "well then how about some breakfast?"

"I'll help" Said (Y/n) quickly trying to make up for what they had just done.

"Thank you (Y/n)." She replied and the two of them set about making breakfast. (Y/n) had been helping Mrs. Weasley in the kitchen a lot recently, well more accurately Mrs. Weasley did the cooking and (Y/n) just sort of handed her things. Before long breakfast was ready and the five boys were seated at the table getting ready to eat.

"Mum!" Came a voice from the stair "have you seen my sweater?" Ginny asked coming down the stair.

"Yes dear, it's over there on that chair" Ginny stopped when she saw Harry sitting at the table.

"Hello" Said Harry gently she just stood there staring at him for a second and then run back up the stairs. "What'd I do?" Asked Harry.

"Don't worry about it Harry, your face scared me too when I met you" (Y/n) said jokingly. Harry elbowed him in the side.

"She's been talking about you all summer" Ron explained to Harry.

Just then Mr. Weasley entered through the door. "Good morning Weasleys" he said cheerily as he entered. "Good morning" the Weasleys and (Y/n) replied.

"Who's this now?" Asked Mr. Weasley when he realized that Harry was there.

"Harry Potter sir" Harry replied to him.

"Merlin's beard! Are you really. And here we thought Ron was just lying to us, tell me what is the use a toaster? What do muggles use it for?" Mr. Weasley asked excitedly.

"You sons took the car for a drive today Arthur" said Mrs. Weasley shortly

"They did? How'd it go boys?" Asked Mr. Weasley, Mrs. Weasley gave him a stern look. "Oh but very irresponsible" he added quickly. Just then an owl slammed into the window. Percy, who had come down the stairs a little bit ago, went to the window and picked up both the Weasley's owl and the letter. "Looks like it's our Hogwarts letters even Harry and (Y/n)'s are here" he said passing out the letters.

"This is going to cost a fortune" muttered Mrs. Weasley "well there's only a place to get all these." A little later the Weasleys Harry and (Y/n) were standing in front of the fireplace. Mrs. Weasley held a flower pot out to Harry. He looked at her confused.

"Mum he's never traveled by floo before" Ron piped up.

"Right right" Said Mrs. Weasley "Alright Ron you go first and show him how it's done." Ron took a handful of the powder, stepped into the fire, said "Diagon Alley", drooped the powder and disappeared in the green flames. "See easily done. Just remember to speak clearly"

Harry took a handful, stepped into the fire and said "Diagonally" (Y/n) facepalmed. "What did he say?" Asked Mr. Weasley

"He'll be fine" Said (Y/n) not sounding too sure himself "on an unrelated note I hear the weather in Brazil is very nice right now" they all looked at him in slight horror "not the time?" He took a handful of the powder and said "Diagon Alley" and closed his eyes. When he opened them he saw Ron standing before him.

"Where's Harry?" Asked Ron. "He hasn't come through yet, god maybe he is in Brazil" (Y/n) said. Ron gave him a bewildered look. (Y/n) opened his mouth to explain but the other Weasleys started to come out of the fire.

"I'm sure he's fine, he can look after himself" Said Ron as Mrs. Weasley started to freak out. Just then (Y/n) saw a familiar bushy haired girl. He left the Weasleys to worry about Harry and snuck up behind Hermione. Despite his size he could be pretty sneaky when he wanted to.

He grabbed her from behind and pulled her into a tight hug. Hermione let out a scared squeal and elbowed him in the ribs. "Ow Hermione that hurt" he groaned as he put her down.

"Don't do that!" She said hotly, her face a bright red.

"I just missed you" Said (Y/n) sheepishly rubbing the back of his neck. Hermione let out a sigh and gave him a hug.

"I missed you too (N/n), but don't do that" she said as she let him go. (Y/n) started to lead her back towards the Weasleys who had found Harry.

"Did no one see him leave!" Said a very worried Mrs. Weasley. "First Harry now (Y/n)"

"I'm here Mrs. Weasley" (Y/n) called as they got near her "I just went to talk to Hermione"

"Good good okay everyone is here now then I'll take Ginny to get her wand and then we'll meet up to get everyone's books" she said as she took Ginny's hand and let her out of Gringotts.

"Harry!" Hermione called to him as she ran up to him.

"Oh so you're happy to see him, but you elbow me in the ribs. I'm hurt Hermione" he said pretending to be offended.

"You got what you deserved" Said Hermione as turned to Harry. "What happened to you?" She asked as she took out her wand and tapped it to his broken glasses which magical repaired themselves.

"Thanks Hermione. I've really got to learn that spell." Said Harry.

"There's a lot of things to need to learn Potter" (Y/n) said slyly to Harry. He ignored him, and explained what had happened to him and how Hagrid has found him. After that the him and Ron headed off towards Zonko's. Hermione and (Y/n) headed off to browse the other stores.

"I'm happy to see you again (N/n)." Said Hermione.

"I know I would be too" he said slyly. She pushed him slightly. "Come on" She said grabbing his hand and pulling him along.

"Where are you going Hermione?" Said (Y/n) as he almost toppled over, "Here we are" She said stopping in front of a small store.

"What shop is this Hermione? I've never seen it?" (Y/n) asked curiously. "I found this shop last year, I got a bit lost and well I though you might like it." She said leading him into the shop. Inside it was cramped, one wall was composed of a bookcase that when from the floor to the ceiling. Another was covered in what appeared to be dueling dummies, the back wall next to the checkout was covered in what appeared to be various dark detectors.

"Hermione this is amazing!" (Y/n) shouted out look around at it all. "I thought you might like it" Said Hermione "There's even a picture of Professor Flitwick over there" she pointed to a portrait behind the check out.

"What's he doing here?" (Y/n) asked "He's a great duelist" she replied matter of factly. (Y/n) pulled her into a tight hug "this is amazing, Thanks Hermione" and he ran off and went to look at the wall of books.

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