Chapter 12: Tragedy

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The next couple of weeks were dull, that was until someone ransacked the boys dormitory. (Y/n) ran towards his trunk immediately, and started to dig around in it.

A few book his books were dog eared, and slightly bent but he didn't care about that now, he needed to know that it was still here. Thankfully he found it where he had hid it, in one of his pairs of socks.

A wave of relief flowed through his body. He didn't know what he would do if he lost it. In fact the only thing that was missing in the whole dorm was Riddle's diary.

"Someone was looking for it. See (Y/n) I told you it was important!" Harry said for the millionth time.

"Harry will you shut up about that diary already!" (Y/n) snapped at him "I couldn't care less, and right now I need to finish my charms homework okay. God all you talk about is that book."

The next day was a weekend and Harry had a quidditch match that day. Hermione had left for the library earlier in the morning and hadn't returned yet.

"Hey I'm going to look for Hermione alright. I'll see you guys at the match." (Y/n) told the other two as he got up from the table. "Good luck!" He called to Harry.

(Y/n) checked the common room first but found it was deserted. "Everyone must be at the match" (Y/n) thought "Hey 'Mione you up there!" He shouted up to the girl's dormitory.

"No just me" Lavender Brown called making  (Y/n) jump slightly "oh sorry. Have you seen Hermione?" He called up again. "No no I have seen 'Mione since this morning" she said letting out a little giggle.

(Y/n) then headed towards the library. "Should've check this first" he thought to himself. "Everyone's probably heading down to the pitch now"

"'Mione are you here?" He whisper shouted into the library. Madame Pince immediately shushed him. "Sorry have you seen Hermione?" He whispered to her. She explained that she was here earlier but had just left.

"'Mione!" He called walking down the deserted hallways. Suddenly a strange thought came to him "it'd be the perfect time for an attack"

He started to sprint down the hall getting desperate "Hermione!" He shouted. He turned the corner and stopped. At the end of the hall he saw a body lying on the floor.

(Y/n) stopped in his tracks. The sudden urge to run that had possessed him earlier had been replaced by a sudden dread.

After a few minutes of standing at the end of the hall he forced his legs to move towards the body, praying with each step it wasn't what he thought.

After what felt like an eternity he finally arrived at the body and his deepest fears became true. He fell to his knees and felt tears welling up behind his eyes.

Slowly he scooped Hermione's petrified body into his arms and made his way towards the Hospital Wing, tears streaming down his face.

"What are you doing inside Mr. (L/n)?" A drawl came from down the hall. (Y/n) didn't even acknowledge what Snape had said.

Once Snape saw what (Y/n) was doing a look of surprise came over his face. "Get her to the Hospital Wing (Y/n) and quickly!" He said and if (Y/n) wasn't so shocked he would have heard an air of sympathy in Snape's voice.

"What's wrong, why do you need?" Madame Pomfrey asked not turning to look at  (Y/n) as he entered the Hospital Wing. "Please...please help" (Y/n) replied weakly.

Madame Pomfrey whipped around and looked at him and quickly rushed him towards a bed, in which he placed Hermione before collapsing into a nearby chair.

Snape walked into the Hospital Wing levitating another student behind him, not that (Y/n) realized. "Are you okay (Y/n)?" Snape asked him in an unexpectedly soft voice. "What happened?"

(Y/n) stammered a few times but he was able to get a few coherent words out. "Found her.... hallway....."

Snape patted (Y/n) on the shoulder before walking over to Madame Pomfrey and started to talk to her.

"I know this will come as a shock" a voice outside the Hospital Wing said. (Y/n) hadn't moved, he had loss track of time.

Professor McGonagall entered with Harry and Ron behind her. "Hermione!" the two of them cried. "What happened?" Harry asked (Y/n), but (Y/n) just looked at them, not actually seeing them. He opened and closed his mouth a few times but no words came out.

After that Professor McGonagall sat with (Y/n) for a while until Madame Pomfrey insisted that they had to leave. Professor McGonagall lead (Y/n) up to her office and poured him a cup of tea.

"I know this is a shock for you, but I'm going to have to ask you what happened" she spoke to (Y/n) in a soft and gentle tone.

"She... she was fine this morning" (Y/n) stammered. He then slowly told McGonagall everything that he had seen and how he had found her.

When he finally arrived back in the common room he found that Harry and Ron had stayed up waiting for him. Harry pulled him into a tight hug and Ron pat him on the back.

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