Chapter 7: Slugs

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After that DADA class the rest of the week went by quickly and it was finally the weekend. It was the first practice for Harry and the Gryffindor quidditch team.

He followed Ron and Hermione down to the quidditch pitch to watch Harry and the team practice. He sat in the stands next to Hermione, but soon there was trouble. (Y/n), Hermione and Ron hurried down to see what was going on.

"We book the pitch Flint" Oliver wood called out the the Slytherin captain. He pulled out a piece of paper. "We have a note here signed by Professor Snape say that we can use the pitch." He handed Wood the paper. "You've got a new seeker? Who?" The Slytherin team parted and (Y/n) saw a very smug looking Malfoy standing behind them.

"Those are Nimbus 2001's" Ron said amazed. (Y/n) hit the back of his head. "Yes, father bought them for the whole team, much faster than the older models" he bragged. "At least no one had to buy their way onto the Gryffindor team." Hermione Said angrily.

"Shut up nobody asked you, you filthy mudblood." Malfoy spat at her. There was a gasp from the Gryffindor team, and Ron pulled out his wand and said "eat slugs Malfoy" but his broken wand back fired and the spell hit Ron, which caused the Slytherin team to burst into laughter.

Harry and Hermione rushes towards Ron to make sure he was okay, however (Y/n) stormed past them, shove Flint to the ground and stormed up to Malfoy.

(Y/n) grabbed Malfoy's collar and in one swift motion lifted him off his feet and held him in the air. (Y/n) pulled out his wand and pushed in against Malfoy's windpipe.

When he spoke his voice was low and dangerous. Everyone there could hear the hatred in his every word. "Don't you ever call Hermione that word again. Ever. If you do..." he trailed off and the tip of (Y/n)'s wand glowed red for a second. Malfoy let out a squeal of pain. When (Y/n) removes his wand from Malfoy's neck, Harry could see that there was a clear burn mark where (Y/n)'s wand has been.

(Y/n) threw Malfoy to the ground and started to walk away from him. Until he heard Malfoy splutter "you... you don't scare me." (Y/n) turned to him and simply muttered "incendio" a ball of fire shot from the top of his wand and land inches away from Malfoy's feet. He jumped out let out a scream and ran behind the Slytherin team.

"Mr. (L/n)!" Came a stern voice. "I heard a commotion and came to check it out. Good thing I did too" Said Professor McGonagall "The headmasters office. Now!" (Y/n) stuck his hand in his pockets and walked off towards the castle glaring at Malfoy as he walked past him.

When (Y/n) arrived at Dumbledore's office he raised his fist to knock, but before he could he heard Professor Dumbledore say "Enter"

"Ahh Mr. (L/n) so good to finally get to talk with you" he said. "Now then I'd like to ask you what happened" (Y/n) started to explain to him  how Malfoy had called Hermione that name and what he had done. "Yes I see you were trying to protect Miss Granger" "exactly Profes.." "however" Dumbledore cut him off "that never warrants what you did, if I understood your story correctly, you attacked Mr. Malfoy, even though he didn't attempt to defend himself" "But Professor he insulted Hermione"

"Be that as it may Miss Granger can defend hersel..." "No!" (Y/n) shouted cutting him off "she shouldn't have to defend herself from these idiot people who think they are better than other, for no reason. Hermione is a hundred times better than Malfoy, but still he thinks he better just because he's a bloody pure-blood as if your blood makes you better than someone else." (Y/n) was still shouting, not because he was mad at Dumbledore but because he was angry with ignorant people like Malfoy.

"Yes that is very true Mr (L/n) however there will always be people like that in our world, and by attacking them you achieve nothing. There are better was to deal with them, violence is not the way. Do you understand me Mr. (L/n)?"

(Y/n) nodded slowly "yes sir" he said slowly. "Now then I leave the punishment up to Professor McGonagall." As he said this McGonagall entered into the office fuming.

"Never, never have been so ashamed of a Gryffindor before" she shouted at him. He tried not to, but he couldn't help but to laugh. He immediately regretted it. "And what is so funny Mr. (L/n)" she said angrily. "It's... it's just that's the same thing you said to me last year" he said through laughs. He saw out of the corner of his eye that Dumbledore was smiling slightly.

"Fifty points from Gryffindor for your actions, and you will be serving detain with me for one month. Do I make myself clear?" "Yes Professor" (Y/n) replied still chuckling slightly.

"Well then now that that is over I think you should go and let your friends know that you are okay." (Y/n) nodded and started to leave the office, but not before giving Dumbledore's Phoenix a scratch under his chin.

"(Y/n)!" Hermione cried as he entered the portrait. She ran up to him and wrapped her arms around him. (Y/n) pulled her into a tight hug. "How do you always get out of trouble mate" Said asked him sounding amazed. "I mean first you curse Filch, then you mock Lockhart, and now this. You're untouchable mate"

"Just luck I guess" (Y/n) said "I thought you were going to be expelled" Hermione said still hugging him. "Don't worry 'Mione it'll take a lot more than that to get rid of me" he said letting go of her and looking into her eyes. He could She that she had been crying. "Seriously don't worry about me" he said bopping her nose. Her face when slightly red and she hit his arm.

For a while after that life was boring. Malfoy avoided them for a while, he looked slightly scared whenever (Y/n) walked close to him or made a quick movement towards him. Other than that (Y/n) just had to suffer through more DADA with the empty headed Lockhart and his detentions with McGonagall.

They weren't hard just long. She would often give him tedious and repetitive work to do. At first the would work in silence, but as the month progressed (Y/n) would often complain to her about Lockhart. As it turned out that was one thing they had in common. They both thought Lockhart was a prick.

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