Chapter 16: Shoes

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"Well then how do we get out of here then? Harry do ya think you can fly? Maybe just grow some wings?" (Y/n) asked jokingly.

"I think fawkes might be able to help us" Harry said as he picked up the wands from the floor, passing Richie's and (Y/n)'s to him.

(Y/n) picked up Richie and sling him over his shoulder. Harry grabbed the Phoenix's leg in one hand, and (Y/n)'s in his other, which caused another wave of pain to shoot up his arm, and Ginny grabbed (Y/n)'s leg.

Once they got over the boulder Ron and Lockhart grabbed onto Ginny and the five of them were pulled out of the chamber by the Phoenix.

Once they got out of the pipes Ron and Harry went to find Dumbledore, while (Y/n), Ginny, Lockhart, and Richie, who was still unconscious, headed towards the Hospital Wing.

"What is this giant place? Were we underneath it this whole time?" Lockhart asked sounding amazed. Harry and Ron had explained what had happened to him earlier.

"Why did I have to get stuck babysitting him?" (Y/n) muttered to Ginny to try and lighten the mood.

Once they reached the Hospital Wing (Y/n) started to explain to Madame Pomfrey what had happened, as she fixed his broken bones. After that he sat with Ginny and Richie until Professor McGonagall arrived.

"Mr. (L/n), the headmaster has asked to see you. Please follow me." "I didn't do it I swear, it was probably Harry" (Y/n) said quickly. "Now Mr. (L/n)" McGonagall said exasperatedly.

McGonagall lead him towards her office, where he saw Harry leaving the office. "Ah Mr. (L/n), good to see you again" Dumbledore start.

"How's the arm?" "Feels as good as new, I'm just happy it was Lockhart who tried to fix it." (Y/n) laughed. "Well I think after all this you have some question." Dumbledore waves his hands in front of him. "Ask away"

(Y/n) asked the question that had been bugging him. "Why didn't my wand work when Riddle used it? Why am I still alive? Not that I'm complaining."

"Ah yes wands strange objects, my like people they are all unique and different. Some..." He said pulling out his own wand "are more fickle switching allegiance to the strongest owner it can find. Other.." He motion towards (Y/n) "are more loyal, not willing to betray their owners."

"It seems that your wand refused to hurt you. Strange things wands, no one quite understand how they work." He gave (Y/n) a whimsical look "even wands made from the same creature can be polar opposites."

"Any other questions on your mind?"

"Yeah how in the name of Merlin did Harry get a bloody sword? And where can I get one?"

"Ah yes the sword of Godric Gryffindor, it is said that only a true Gryffindor can pull his sword out of the swirling hat."

"Do you know how to do that? Can you teach me how to hide a sword in a hat?" Dumbledore let out a chuckle "Well then if you're questions have been answered I suggest you get some sleep. The mandrake potion will be ready in few day"

And so (Y/n) headed back to the Gryffindor common room and collapsed into his bed and fell asleep.

He woke up the next day after a nightmare free night and decided to go walk around the school a bit, it had been a while since he had relaxed and walked around the school.

While he was walking he came across a familiar small blonde haired girl. "Hey Luna how's it going?"

"Oh hello (Y/n)" she said in a dreamy voice "did you find what you were looking for?" She asked him.

"Yeah turns out the monster was a basilisk, I was only able to find it thanks to your idea. What are you doing anyway" (Y/n) noticed her bare feet "and where are you shoes?"

"Oh nargles took my shoes" she said simply "Nargles?" (Y/n) said the word slowly. "Well do you want some help finding them? You could tell me about Nargles."

"Oh you don't have to do that (Y/n), they always show up eventually." "I don't mind Luna, besides it'll give me something to do. Here" (Y/n) bent down and turned his back to Luna. "Hop on, you're bare foot and who knows what is on the floors."

Luna climbed onto his back and he carried her around piggyback as they looked for her shoes. She explained to him what Nargles were and told him about many other creatures he had never heard about.

(Y/n) liked Luna, she was a strange girl, but she knew lots of things about strange new creatures, and (Y/n) enjoyed listening to her tell him about them.

Eventually they came across a group of first year girls who were trying to throw a pair of shoes on top of a suit of armor.

"You might want to give those back" (Y/n) said with Luna still on his back. The girls jumped. "I doubt those are your shoes" he said pointing to the shoes. "We were just messing around" one of the girls said quickly "it was just a joke. It not our fault she took it so seriously"

"Put yourself in her shoes. Go on you've got them right there. How'd you feel if someone stole your shoes huh? How'd you like it if someone bullied you?"

"We're not bullying her" one of the other girls piped up. "Listen I just fought a giant snake last night I'm not in the mood for this, now give Luna her shoes back, and if you ever do it again..." his voice trailed off.

The group of girls nodded, gave Luna her shoes back and ran off. "Thanks (Y/n) I've never had anyone look out for me like that."

"You heard what I said Luna if they, or anyone for that matter, bullies you again just come to me I'll sort them out for."

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