Chapter 14: Plumbing

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(Y/n) ran out of the library and head towards Lockhart's class. He didn't exactly know where Malfoy was, but he hoped he was with Lockhart. That prick wouldn't try to stop him.

When he arrived at the classroom he wrenched the door open and entered the class.

"Mr. (L/n) I'm in the middle of a class here-" Lockhart started but (Y/n) wasn't listening, he saw Malfoy sitting in the corner of the room.

"Oi Malfoy!" He shouted as he made his way over to him. "I need your book"

"And why would I give you anything (L/n)" Malfoy snarled "Please Malfoy this is important" (Y/n) pleaded with him, remembering Dumbledore's warning.

"Fat chance (L/n). Now run along, it would be a shame if you got attacked." He said with a smirk.

(Y/n) was caught between a rock and a hard place. He needed the book to find out what the creature was, but if he attacked Malfoy he risked getting expelled.

"I'm sorry Malfoy" he said pulling out his wand but before he could jinx Malfoy, he heard someone say "stupefy" he turned around and saw that Richie was behind him with his wand held up.

"Thanks Richie" (Y/n) said quickly before he searched through Malfoy's bag and found the book he was looking for.

Throughout the whole time Lockhart was speechless and just stood there watching the scene unfold. "Sorry for the interruption Lockhart"

(Y/n) ran out into the hall and started to flip through the pages of the book. "Here!" He said as he found the page that was missing in the other book. "A basilisk of course, but how is it getting around?" He said out loud to himself.

"(N/n) I need to talk to you" (Y/n) turned around and saw that Richie had followed him out of the class. "What's wrong Richie? Are you okay?"

"I've... I've been hearing a voice. In the walls, I think it might be whatever is attacking the students." Richie said not making eye contact with (Y/n).

Suddenly it clicked, it all made sense to (Y/n). "Richie that's it!" He said as he grabbed Richie's arm.

"(Y/n) what are you talking about?" He asked taken aback. "The voice, the walls, the basilisk, it all makes sense. That's why Harry has been hearing a voice, and you too" (Y/n) spoke quickly as he ran through the halls.

"(Y/n) slow down, use your words." Richie said confused.

"Richie you can speak parseltongue, that's why you're hearing voices, the creature in the chamber is a basilisk, but how is it moving around, how is it unseen?" (Y/n) thought for a moment.

"I've heard the voice in the walls, maybe it's using the pipes?" Richie suggested.

"That's it!" (Y/n) shouted, stopped suddenly and changed directions "the last time the chamber was opened someone died right? Well what if they never left, what if they went on the haunt the place they died, Myrtle, I never asked how she died, what if the entrance to the chamber is in her bathroom, no one goes in there, so no one would see the basilisk leave."

(Y/n) and Richie had arrived at Myrtle's bathroom and pushed open the door. "Look around for anything related to snakes, or Slytherin" (Y/n) told Richie.

"(Y/n) over! It looks like there're snakes on this sink" Richie called to (Y/n). (Y/n) looked and saw that there were little snakes carved onto the taps. "Try saying something in parseltongue"

"How? I didn't even know I could speak it" Richie pointed out. "Hmmm maybe imagine those are real snakes?" (Y/n) suggested.

Richie tilted his head slightly and squinted his eyes and let out a strange hissing sound. Suddenly the whole sink started to lower into the floor, and what looked like a slide opened up.

"Well only one way to go" (Y/n) jumped into the slide. "Geronimo!" He landed at the bottom of slide and looked around. Richie followed soon after him.

"How far under the school are we?" Richie asked "dunno, Well there's no way back. We probably should've told someone" (Y/n) as he mentally hit himself. "My bad" he said softly to Richie.

"Well only one way to go, onward once more unto the breach" he muttered under his breath. After walking for a while they came across a giant snake lying on the ground. (Y/n) let out a scream.

"I don't think you thought this through too well." Richie said "you're terrified of snakes!"

"We've got to do something" (Y/n) said pulling himself together "we can't just let this creature kill people" (Y/n) was shaking slightly, he hated snakes, he always had.

"Don't worry (N/n) it's only the skin, it must've shed its skin" Richie said as he walked towards the skin.

"You sure you want to do this (Y/n)?" Richie asked him as he saw how pale he was looking. (Y/n) just nodded in response, and so the continued forward.

Eventually they came across a large ornate door, decorated with snakes. Richie stepped forward and once let out a hiss. For a second nothing happened, then the snakes on the door started to move and the door swung open.

(Y/n) followed Richie into the chamber his wand raised. He saw that there were large busts, (Y/n) assumes that it was supposed to be Salazar Slytherin.

"Well now what?" Richie asked apprehensively. (Y/n) was about to reply, when Richie was suddenly blown off his feet. (Y/n) watched with horror as he flew across the chamber and smacked into the wall, and slowly slid to the floor unconscious.

"Richard!" (Y/n) shouted out. He wheeled around with his wand held out in front of him. His slowly put his wand down.

"What? How's you get in here? Who cast that spell? Ginny are you okay?" (Y/n) saw that Ginny was standing behind him, her face was blank and expressionless and (Y/n) saw that something was wrong with her eyes.

She raised her wand once more and (Y/n) heard her shout out in a horrid voice that did not belong to her "crucio"

(Y/n) felt a white hot pain spread throughout his body. His wand fell from his hand and he collapsed onto the floor screaming. He felt his body writhing on the floor, pain spread and consuming his entire being. He wished for it to end, he couldn't think of anything but the pain spreading through his body.

After what felt like an eternity he finally felt darkness embrace him, and he fell unconscious.

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